Infosecurity News

  1. Employees’ Poor Security Habits Getting Worse, Survey Finds

    87% of millennials reuse passwords across both personal and professional accounts

  2. Experts Slam Employee Microchip Plans

    It’s claimed chips could improve security by restricting physical access

  3. Most European Retailers Saw Fraud Rise This Year

    Adyen study reveals growing interest in biometrics

  4. Cyber-Attacks Are Top Business Risk in North America and Europe

    World Economic Forum report reveals growing concern from private sector

  5. WannaCry Still Alive, Reaches Almost 75,000 Victims

    Ransomware is still the most widespread cryptor family

  6. NIS Directive Gets Real After OES Deadline

    So-called “operators of essential services” have now been identified

  7. Chinese Head Fired After Cryptomining at School

    Energy bills spiked after machines were covertly installed

  8. Bank of England Stress Tests Financial Sector

    Cyber-resilience exercise was held on Friday

  9. Stealthy Crypto-Mining Malware Evades Detection

    A coinminer goes undetected by using Windows Installer as an evasion technique, says Trend Micro.

  10. Threat Actors Exploiting Red Team Tool JexBoss

    The NCCIC issued a CERT alert warning of vulnerabilities in the JBoss application server.

  11. IBM's Watson to Rank Threat Severity for NIST

    With thousands of vulnerabilities reported each week, NIST will rely on AI to help with scoring.

  12. Phishing Attempts Soar to 137 Million in Q3

    Kaspersky Lab reveals tried-and-tested alongside new scam tactics

  13. Sony DDoS-er 'DerpTrolling' Pleads Guilty

    Utah man carried out attacks in 2013 and 2014

  14. Canadian Uni Shutters Network After Cryptomining Attack

    Incident causes major disruption at St Francis Xavier

  15. Lazarus Group Targets Bank Networks to Rob ATMs

    Symantec uncovers Trojan.Fastcash malware used by N. Korean hacker group in ATM attacks

  16. Most IT Security Pros Underestimate Phishing Risks

    Survey finds gaps in protections against phishing threats

  17. Nearly 4,000 Breaches Disclosed in 2018

    With more than 3.6 billion records exposed thus far, 2018 not expected to reach breach levels of 2017, says Risk Based Security

  18. Spam Botnet of Over 100K Routers Abuses UPnP

    Researchers warn of many more exposed devices out there

  19. Privacy International Files GDPR Complaints

    Oracle, Experian and Equifax are among companies in the cross hairs

  20. Pakistan Banks Not Breached, but Probably Skimmed

    Central bank rejects mass hacking reports

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