Infosecurity News

  1. Fin Firms: Look to Mobile, Social for Comms Risks

    Financial firms are looking in the wrong places for communications risks.

  2. Flaw in Libssh Grants Admin Control to Servers

    A four-year-old authentication bypass vulnerability impacts servers.

  3. US Voter Leak Hits Tea Party Organization

    Fund-raising super PAC spills details on half a million voters

  4. Experts Question 'Official' Drop in Cybercrime

    Under-reporting may be seriously skewing ONS results

  5. Secret Comment Crew Code Spotted in New Attack

    Operation Oceansalt could be false flag attempt, says McAfee

  6. GreyEnergy Potential Successor of BlackEnergy

    GreyEnergy targets the energy sector with a malware framework similar to that of BlackEnergy, says ESET.

  7. Consumers Forgive Post-Breach, Want Privacy Rules

    A survey suggests that consumers forgive brands but want GDPR-like rules in the US.

  8. Amid Fears of Election Security, SEO Poisons URLs

    Poll finds Americans are concerned about election security, and Zscaler says SEO is poisoning midterm elections.

  9. European Banks and Police Warn Consumers of Cyber Scams

    Awareness raising exercise is part of European Cyber Security Month

  10. Former Equifax Developer Sentenced for Insider Trading

    Atlanta man worked on breach portal

  11. UK ISPs: Government Must Take Lead on Cybersecurity

    ISPA calls for simplified reporting and regulatory environment

  12. Launch Day Catastrophe for Donald Daters App Users

    A researcher was able to download the entire database of Donald Dater app users.

  13. FBI Investigates Attack on Critical Water Utility

    North Carolina-based Onslow Water and Sewer Authority (ONWASA) suffers ransomware attack while recovering from hurricane damage.

  14. 9 in 10 Orgs Don't Have Desired Security Culture

    Creating a cyber-secure culture requires an "all hands on deck" approach that is well funded.

  15. Global Cybersecurity Skills Gap Reaches Three Million

    New (ISC)² methodology reveals huge shortfall today

  16. NCSC Tackles 10 Attacks on Government Per Week

    GCHQ body says Active Cyber Defence strategy is working

  17. Millions of US Voter Records for Sale

    Possible state insiders supplying dark web with info

  18. Bug in New iOS Lets Attacker Access iPhone Pics

    iOS hacker Jose Rodriguez shares a proof-of-concept video of another VoiceOver bypass bug.

  19. Execs Fear Orgs Unprepared for Incident Response

    Lack of practicing cyber war games leaves employees at a loss when it comes to incident response, says Deloitte.

  20. Tech Support Scams Decline as Consumers Get Savvy

    Microsoft stats also reveal drop in number losing money

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