Infosecurity News

  1. #IPEXPO: Cyber-Attacks: Why You Can’t Always Trust Companies, or Security Staff

    Graham Cluley explores some unbelievable stories of 'cyber horrors'

  2. #IPEXPO: Tech Industry Must ‘Deliberately Affect Change’

    At IP EXPO Europe astronaut Chris Hadfield explored change and transformation in technology

  3. Twitter Updates Aim to Enhance "Election Integrity"

    Social site’s rule changes designed to tackle interference

  4. Facebook: No Evidence Hackers Accessed Third-Party Apps

    Social network’s claims seem to limit impact of breach

  5. Fortnite Cheaters Tempted with Data-Stealing Malware

    Researcher warns of booby-trapped YouTube vid

  6. Malware Less Common in Q2, Still Top Attack Method

    Hackers target information and credentials more than financial reward, says Positive Technologies.

  7. ReliaQuest Gifts $1m to Build Cyber Lab at USF

    The University of South Florida has partnered with ReliaQuest to train students for careers in cybersecurity.

  8. Apollo Faces Criticism for Breach of 200 Million Contacts

    Sales engagement startup Apollo exposed 200 million contacts in a data breach.

  9. Financial Sector Breaches Have Tripled Since 2016

    Bitglass report claims over 100 incidents in US alone

  10. MoD Launches Cyber Cadet Training Program

    Government’s latest attempt to close skills shortages welcomed

  11. Tory App Snafu Exposes Ministers’ Personal Info

    Error led to defacements and prank calls

  12. Failure to Protect Data Costs Bupa £175,000

    ICO fines Bupa the maximum penalty under Data Protection Act of 1998.

  13. Ransomware Casts Anchor at the Port of San Diego

    No waterfront woes for ships and boats after Port of San Diego fell victim to ransomware

  14. Password Security Better, Still Poses Business Risk

    LastPass kicks off National Cybersecurity Awareness Month with a look at password security.

  15. Tesco Bank Fined £16m After 2016 Cyber Heist

    Bank failed to exercise “due skill care and diligence”

  16. Torii IoT Botnet Takes Mirai to the Next Level

    Advanced modular threat targets several architectures

  17. Facebook Scrambles to Provide Breach Info to Regulators

    Experts point to potential nation state involvement

  18. Facebook Resets 90 Million User Passwords as Flaw is Discovered

    Facebook has reset the passwords of 90 million users, after a flaw was found in the View As feature.

  19. Mass. Gov. Announces Grants to Grow Cyber Resiliency

    Gov.Baker appointed a new director to MassCyberCenter and announced grants to fund job training.

  20. Users Rage Against the Dying of Skype 7.0

    Skype 7.0 goes not-so-gently into its end of life.

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