Infosecurity News

  1. Russian Extradited to Face JP Morgan Charges

    Moscow man is alleged to have helped steal data on over 100m customers

  2. BA Hit by Global Web Skimming Group: Experts

    RiskIQ claims notorious Magecart group to blame

  3. Mueller Questions Stone Associates on WikiLeaks

    Long time associates of GOP operative, Robert Stone, questioned as part of Mueller probe.

  4. Broker Received Passwords from Westpac Employee

    Multiple incidents of misuse of customer and employee data spans six years

  5. Personal Cyber Insurance Added to Homeowner Policy

    Saga launches personal cybercrime coverage

  6. #GartnerSec: Embrace Hacker Culture to Battle Cyber-Criminals

    Embrace hacker culture, tools and techniques in the battle with cyber-criminals

  7. #GartnerSec: Three Key Questions to Ride Risk Management to Success

    The three key questions that can lead security professionals from feeling overwhelmed to success

  8. Apple Removes Top Security Tool for Secretly Stealing Data

    Mac App Store app was exfiltrating data to China

  9. US Elections Must Go Back to Paper — Report

    Major two-year study claims e-systems are too vulnerable

  10. Silicon Valley CEO Pleads Guilty to $1.5m Fraud

    Bouxtie founder faces jail

  11. ICS Computer Attacks Steadily Rising

    Africa, Asia and Latin America most targeted for ICS computer attacks, finds Kaspersky Lab

  12. German Researchers Spoof Certificate Authorities

    Researchers break certificate authorities' domain validation

  13. Iranian APT Believed to Be Targeting Citizens

    Targeted mobile-based attack against Iranian citizens discovered by Check Point

  14. UK Teen Hacker Arrested After DDoS-ing Own Email Provider

    ProtonMail investigated Apophis Squad to find poor opsec

  15. US Indicts North Korean Over Sony, Bank and WannaCry Attacks

    Lazarus Group member Park allegedly worked for government front company

  16. BA Breach Hits 380,000 Card Payments

    Hackers compromised website and mobile ap

  17. Blockers Alone Won't Cure Malvertising Woes

    Ad blockers don't go far enough to protect against malvertising, finds The Media Trust

  18. 174,000 Alerts per Week Besiege Security Teams

    State of the SOAR Report finds SOCs only respond to 12,000 alerts per week

  19. HP Launches First Bug Bounty Program for Printers

    The company will offer rewards of up to $10,000

  20. ICO Delivers £60K Fine to Nuisance Email Firm

    Marketing company did not seek recipient consent

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