Infosecurity News

  1. Mobile Phishing Campaign Offered Free Flights

    Phishing scam offers free airfare when users share malicious link with WhatsApp contacts.

  2. Orgs Still Feel Vulnerable Despite Cyber Standards

    An IT Governance survey finds implementing ISO 27001 beneficial in mitigating risk

  3. 43% of Security Pros Could Execute Insider Attack

    Despite increased spending on security, insider threats remain a risk to business, according to new survey.

  4. BEC Analysis Reveals Organization-Wide Threat

    Barracuda Networks claims risks expands beyond C-level and finance

  5. Cryptojackers Exploit Critical Apache Struts Flaw

    Researchers urge organizations to patch now

  6. Most NHS Trusts Provide No Alternative to Consumer IM

    CommonTime FOI request reveals privacy and compliance risks

  7. APT Uses Spear Phishing in New Campaign

    Researchers uncovered new activity from the Cobalt Group (a.k.a., TEMP.Metastrike).

  8. Hundreds of Banks Exposed from Fiserv Flaw

    Fiserve deployed a security patch within 24 hours of receiving the flaw notification.

  9. Hearing Date Set in Georgia Election Security Case

    Georgia citizens move forward in the fight for paper ballots.

  10. Machine Identity Failings Expose Firms

    Venafi warns of a coming security storm

  11. Chinese Hotel Breach May Have Hit 100 Million+ Customers

    GitHub snafu thought to be to blame

  12. Air Canada Presses Reset After App Security Snafu

    Around 20,000 mobile accounts affected after unauthorized access

  13. Stamping Out Art Forgery with Cryptocurrency

    Blockchain and decentralized ledger technology find a place in the art world

  14. Cryptocurrency Platform Suffers Data Breach

    More than 261,000 Atlas Quantum customers were affected in the breach.

  15. Website of Rapper Cardi B Littered with Spam

    Soccer-fan spammers target Cardi B’s website with fake videos, links, and photos.

  16. Instagram Bids to Boost Transparency and 2FA

    Support for third-party authentication and response to Russian activity announced

  17. Over 50% of Top Global Sites Now on HTTPS

    Security milestone but still a long way to go

  18. Cryptomining Malware Soars 956% in a Year

    Trend Micro blocked over 20 billion threats in the first six months of 2018

  19. A DDoS Knocked Spain's Central Bank Offline

    A DDoS attack on Banco de Espana began on Sunday and lasted through Tuesday.

  20. Two CERT Alerts, Only One With Known Solution

    CERT alerts on vulnerabilities in Ghostscript software and Windows task manager allow hackers to gain elevated system privileges.

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