Infosecurity News

  1. DNC Spots Phishing Attempt to Access Voter Database

    Attack appears to have been foiled early on by Democrats

  2. AT&T Turns Acquired AlienVault into Cybersecurity Solutions Division

    Completing its acquisition of AlienVault, AT&T will turn the threat intelligence vendor into its standalone Cybersecurity Solutions Division.

  3. New Major Ghostscript Vulnerability Discovered

    A new exploit lets an attacker take over applications and servers via Ghostscript

  4. Almost a Third of Orgs Still Not Completely Prepared for GDPR

    A new survey shows that companies still have work to do to get GDPR compliant

  5. Rights Group: Government Must Act on Nuisance Calls

    ICO should be allowed to fine directors, argues Which?

  6. Superdrug Held to Ransom After Breach

    Breached passwords to blame as 20,000 customers affected

  7. Microsoft Shuts Down Six APT28 Phishing Domains

    Russian espionage attempts continue

  8. Augusta Health Center Reveals Historic Breach

    September 2017 phishing attack may have compromised data on 400K patients

  9. Loss of Customer Trust and Confidence Biggest Consequence of DDoS Attacks

    A new study examines the worst effects of DDoS attacks for a business.

  10. CyberFirst Students Get Taste of CNI Security

    UK’s Nuclear Decommissioning Authority hosts exercises

  11. Cybercrime Prosecutions Fall Again in UK

    Police under-resourced, claims leading law firm

  12. NHS Loses Almost 10,000 Patient Records in a Year

    94% of NHS Trusts continue to use handwritten notes for patient record keeping.

  13. Aussie Teen Pleads Guilty to 90GB Apple Hack

    Melbourne schoolboy stored material in “hacky hack hack” folder

  14. TUC: Staff Fear Workplace Surveillance

    Poll shows most employees think they’re being monitored

  15. EU Set to Legislate on Terror Content

    Crackdown could force social networks to remove material within an hour

  16. Pen Testers Breach Perimeter Through Web Apps

    Vulnerable web applications led to 73% success rate in perimeter breaches, according to Kaspersky Lab

  17. Trump Takes Offensive Cybersecurity Step Forward

    Reversal of Presidential Policy Directive 20 enables offensive cyber strategies

  18. Firewall Still Critical Tool in Network Security

    An increased number of change requests creates problems for firewall management.

  19. Smart Home Alert as MQTT Mistakes Expose Users

    Avast warns misconfiguration could put users in physical danger

  20. Security Experts Welcome Rise in Students Taking Computing A-Level

    But huge gender imbalance persists

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