Infosecurity News

  1. UK Researchers Warn of Serious WordPress PHP Flaw

    Vulnerability has been left unfixed for over a year

  2. PUB File That Drops Ammyy Targeted 2,700 Banks

    Phishing emails sent to employees at banking institutions used .pub extension

  3. Deals Get Phishy for Real Estate Sector

    Hackers target homebuyers, real estate businesses with phishing campaigns

  4. Trump Signs NIST Act to Benefit Small Businesses

    Cybersecurity Act will provide resources to reduce cyber risk for small businesses

  5. Customer Files $223m SIM Fraud Suit Against AT&T

    Telco agent handed number to imposter, leading to $24m cryptocurrency loss

  6. UK Identity Fraud Falls but Online Scams Rise

    E-commerce fraud up 24%, says Cifas

  7. Indian Bank Loses $13.5m in Global Attack

    Hackers withdrew money from ATMs and made SWIFT transfers

  8. What Drives Hackers to a Life of Cybercrime?

    A look at the psychological and socioeconomic factors that drive hackers to cybercrime

  9. NSA Insider Teaches Next-Gen IT Strategies

    Cybersecurity expert releases new book for next generation of cybersecurity professionals

  10. Credential-Stealing Financial Trojan Targets Banks

    Trickbot financial Trojan targets customers of large banks and steals their credentials

  11. Just 10% of UK Firms Have No Cyber Insurance

    Ovum report claims improvements across the board

  12. Microsoft Fixes 60 Flaws Including Two Zero-Days

    No let-up for August Patch Tuesday

  13. Intel Reveals Three High Severity Memory Flaws

    Admins urged to take action

  14. For Google, No Tracking Means We Still Track You

    Users can adjust privacy settings, but they can’t hide from Google.

  15. Stopping Russian Attacks on Candidate Websites

    A new toolkit could mitigate risks from vulnerabilities in websites of candidates running for office.

  16. Hackers Target Instagram, Users Blame Russia

    Multiple users have reported a cyber-attack on photo-sharing app Instagram.

  17. Mobile App-Based Fraud Jumps in Q2

    RSA Security detects thousands of rogue apps

  18. Fax Attack: Researchers Warn of New Vector for Hackers

    Check Point shows how networks could be infiltrated via insecure fax protocol

  19. NHS Patient Data at Risk from Historic Breach: Report

    Password reuse may have exposed NHS databases

  20. Variant of KeyPass Trojan Takes Manual Control

    A new variant of KeyPass ransomware targets developing nations.

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