Infosecurity News

  1. More Than 10K Recorded Vulnerabilities in 2018

    2018 has the highest number of disclosed vulnerabilities on record at the mid-year point.

  2. Firms at Mercy of Smarter, Faster Cyber-Criminals

    96% of firms experienced at least one severe exploit, according to a new Fortinet report.

  3. IT Security Pros Lay Bare Election Hacking Fears

    Just 3% are confident governments can block attacks

  4. Butlin’s Customers Face Anxious Holiday After Breach Alert

    Potentially stolen data could tell hackers when homes are empty

  5. UK Online Fraud Blasts Past £2bn

    Cyber fraud losses up 38% but fewer defrauded

  6. #DEFCON Government Attacks and Surveillance Continue to Increase

    Research shows the levels of state-sponsored acquisition of offensive weapons, and internet shutdowns.

  7. #DEFCON L0pht Reunite to Find Security Unimproved

    Six members of the L0pht hacking group reunited to discuss the current state of cybersecurity.

  8. #DEFCON Vote Hacking Village Refute NASS 'Unfair' Claims

    DEFCON's vote hacking village hits back at claims of unfair environment from US government department.

  9. #DEFCON DHS Says Collaboration Needed for Secure Infrastructure and Elections

    DHS calls for public and private sector collaboration to improve infrastructure and election security.

  10. New Security Awareness Practitioner Certification

    InfoSec Institute is now offering a three-day boot camp to combat end-user risks.

  11. Risk of Fraud in Mobile Point-of-Sale Device Flaw

    Researchers at Black Hat reveal a vulnerability in mPOS terminals.

  12. Lack of Hardened Benchmarks Leads to Poor Cyber Hygiene

    Two-thirds of organizations fail to use established benchmarks for implementing security controls.

  13. Satellite Flaws Raise Aviation Fears

    Researchers reveal how bugs could be exploited to hack planes from the ground

  14. Cops Claim Victory After Busting $1m Phone Fraud Ring

    Twelve charged after allegedly hijacking customers’ accounts

  15. Smart Cities at Risk from 'Panic Attacks'

    IBM claims false radiation alerts and gridlock could result

  16. #BHUSA The Value of Skills, Education and Experience in Information Security Hiring

    How a well-balanced demonstration of your skills, experience and education can win you the dream job in cyber.

  17. #BHUSA Focus on Hiring and Retaining Female Security Employees

    Why better attention on hiring and staff evaluation can lead to better staff retention.

  18. West Virginia Goes Mobile, Georgians Sue for Paper Vote

    West Virginian troops living abroad will vote by mobile phone while a second group of plaintiffs file suit for paper ballots in Georgia.

  19. A New Guide to Implementing a Successful DLP Program

    Information Security Forum announced a new data leak prevention digest.

  20. Hacker Gets a Hole in One with PGA Servers

    PGA was not up to par on defending against ransomware attacks.

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