Infosecurity News

  1. Chinese Cyber-Criminals Take Chances on the Surface Web

    IntSights report claims hackers use code words to escape government monitoring

  2. Accenture: CNI and Supply Chains at Risk

    Latest report also highlights threat from Iran

  3. Over 20 Flaws Discovered in Popular Healthcare Software

    OpenEMR said to serve over 90m patients

  4. #BHUSA: Companies Encouraged to Adopt Sexual Harassment Policies

    Companies and communities encouraged to adopt better standards to spot and deal with sexual harassment instances

  5. #BHUSA: Reality of Infosec Mental Health Issues Detailed

    Researchers discussed the issues of burnout and depression upon the information security community.

  6. #BHUSA: Politics and Cyber-Defense Are Colliding

    Black Hat founder Jeff Moss talked about the collision of defense and politics and how the security community can influence more efficiently

  7. #BHUSA: Better Collaboration and Recognition Can Make a Safer Internet

    Google's director of engineering Parisa Tabriz talked about the achievements of Project Zero and HTTPS, but acknowledged the work of the defender.

  8. Industrial IoT Enables Attacks in Manufacturing Industry

    Vectra puts the spotlight on vulnerabilities in manufacturing industry in a new report.

  9. What's Up with WhatsApp's Fake Messages?

    A vulnerability in WhatsApp allows malicious actors to hack private conversations.

  10. Get Schooled in Hacking at Bugcrowd University

    Bugcrowd takes the "reach ‘em and teach ‘em" approach to narrowing the skills gap.

  11. Grey Hat Warning as UK Security Pros Consider the Dark Side

    Malwarebytes claims nearly 8% have moonlighted as black hats

  12. ONS Report Highlights Confusion Over ‘Smartphone Security’

    Over a quarter have none installed, but that’s no problem say experts

  13. Healthcare Firm Exposes Data on 2m+ Mexicans

    Insecure MongoDB installation leads to another data leak

  14. #BHUSA18: People are the Key to a Security Company

    CA Veracode CTO Chris Wysopal talked about why knowing the right people is the key foundation for a successful security company

  15. #BSidesLV Career Opportunities Are Not Prevented by Inexperience

    Why a lack of experience and confidence is still harming the cybersecurity industry's movers and hires.

  16. Improved Standards for Securing Medical Devices Released

    Cloud Security Alliance and OWASP announce updates to medical device deployment standards.

  17. Consumers Fear Data Theft over Stolen Wallet, Car

    A survey of consumer sentiment finds that people fear theft of the data that has least value to criminals.

  18. Persistent DDoS Attacks Evolve at Internet Scale

    Today’s attackers unleash enormous DDoS attacks, according to new threat intelligence report.

  19. IT Leaders Believe AI is a ‘Silver Bullet’ for Threats

    ESET study reveals the security hype machine is having an effect

  20. FCC Admits Site DDoS Claims Were False

    Genuine net neutrality comment outrage caused crash

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