Infosecurity News

  1. GDPR Fueling Rise of PII Theft, Cryptomining Plateauing

    Report shows traditional tech support scams are back on the rise, while cryptomining stagnates

  2. GDPR Hurts Security but Publicity Might Help

    A survey of Infosecurity Europe shows a fear that GDPR spending hinders threat detection.

  3. Government, Finance Will See Increased Attacks

    Cyber incidents using spyware are on the rise, reports Positive Technologies.

  4. Lost Devices on TfL Network Raise Data Breach Risk

    Lost mobiles and laptops on the Transport for London network could be resulting in an increase in data breaches

  5. Telefonica Calls Authorities after Massive Breach

    Millions of records were exposed in a telecom vendor breach.

  6. Reprise Software Refuses to Patch RLM Issue

    Reprise Software has refused to patch a vulnerability in its Reprise License Manager

  7. Russia Publishes Only 10% of CVEs

    Report finds Russia's vulnerability database, while highly focused, is incomplete and slow

  8. From National Security to Cybersecurity

    Crucial Academy addresses skills gap, offering free training to ex-military.

  9. Russia Fends Off 25 Million Cyber-Attacks During World Cup

    Russia prevented nearly 25 million cyber-attacks and other criminal acts during the football World Cup

  10. Russia Indictments Reminder of Phishing Threats

    Russian indictments increase concerns over threats of phishing campaigns in midterm elections.

  11. Spread of 'Fake News' Could Affect Irish Elections, says Gov Report

    Report has found Irish elections are exposed to interference through cyber-attacks and spread of fake news

  12. "Red Alert" Warning on US Cyber-Attacks, Now at "Critical Point"

    US under attack from persistent, pervasive attacks from Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, according to national intelligence director

  13. US Orgs Overly Optimistic About Cyber-Readiness

    Attitudes and plans for tackling cybercrime are evolving, according to FICO.

  14. Spambot Targets WordPress with Spray and Pray

    A new comment spam campaign links to World Cup betting sites.

  15. Australia's Airport Security Threatened by Hack

    A hack of security ID cards puts airport security at risk.

  16. New Ransomware Rumored to Spread SMB Exploit

    Researchers are calling GandCrab v4.1 ransomware a speculative SMB exploit spreader.

  17. Western E-Tailers Set to Lose Nearly $19bn to Fraud

    Forrester claims blockchain might hold the answer

  18. Users Warned of New Sextortion Attack

    Hackers claim to have incriminating webcam footage

  19. Crypto-mining Malware Doubles from Last Year

    Check Point report reveals 42% of global enterprises were hit this year

  20. Windows Malware Carries Valid Digital Signatures

    The ROI on the cost of stolen certificates makes the investment worth it for criminals, researchers find.

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