Infosecurity News

  1. Unauthorized Party Accessed DomainFactory Data

    DomainFactory confirmed breach after forum user claimed access to customer data

  2. Timehop Breach Hits 21 Million Customers

    Compromised admin credential to blame again

  3. Ex-Employee Arrested After Trying to Sell Spyware

    Programmer’s $50m dark web gamble fails to pay off

  4. Experts Welcome London Cybercrime Court Plans

    New complex will cement capital’s position as global legal hub, says government

  5. Cryptocurrency Exchanges Banned in India

    Will India's ban on cryptocurrencies drive traders to black markets?

  6. Startup Think Cyber Security Joins LORCA

    London Office for Rapid Cybersecurity Advancement welcomes first cohort of businesses

  7. Malware Delivers Cryptor or Miner, Trojan's Choice

    Sample of Rakhni Trojan chooses the payload to launch once the malicious file is opened

  8. New Infosecurity Magazine Online Summit to Launch in September

    Rebrand includes new and improved features for registered viewers

  9. State of the SOC? Depends on Who You Ask

    New report finds distinction in perceived state of SOC among front line and executives

  10. Former Brownsville Fire Chief Faces Breach Charges

    Grand jury indicts former fire chief in an 11-count case of computer security breach charges

  11. Digital India Susceptible to Security Breaches

    Cyber-threats evolve as India advances into the digital age

  12. Claranet Acquires Training & Pen Test Experts NotSoSecure

    Deal sees ethical hacking training provider and penetration testers join the Claranet portfolio

  13. Machine Learning, Cloud, Compliance and Business Awareness Drive Cybersecurity

    Gartner determine the six trends that it sees driving cybersecurity forward

  14. Hamas Uses Fake Dating Apps to Infiltrate Israeli Military

    IDF claims to have found sophisticated spyware operation

  15. Iranian Attackers Spoof Security Site for Phishing Lure

    An Iranian APT group has been spotted building a phishing site, using a cybersecurity company which outed it as a lure.

  16. Gmail Privacy Fears Emerge Over Third-Party Apps

    Report claims thousands of developers read users’ emails

  17. Bug Unblocks Friends for 800,000+ Facebook Users

    Facebook disclosed bug that reunited severed friendships, unbeknownst to users

  18. Concern Mounts for SS7, Diameter Vulnerability

    Threat of DDoS and attacks on critical infrastructure in SS7, Diameter protocols

  19. Fourth Circuit Defines Standing in Data Breach Cases

    Circuit courts split on definition of Article III, risk of future harm

  20. NHS Developer Error Leads to Data Leak

    Data on 150,000 patients was used for purposes against their wishes

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