Infosecurity News

  1. DNA Site MyHeritage Spills Data on 92m Users

    Breach only affected emails and hashed passwords

  2. #Infosec18: Adult Toys Contain Legacy Vulnerabilities

    Common vulnerabilities in IoT devices are especially prevalent in adult toys too

  3. Operation Prowli Malware Infected 40,000 Machines

    Malware spreads to servers and websites using multiple attack techniques.

  4. #Infosec18: How Ransomware-as-a-Service Offerings are Changing in 2018

    James Lyne assesses the latest tactics & techniques of cyber-criminals

  5. Boards Push Security, Rush to GDPR Compliance

    Prompted by board concerns, IT leadership prioritizes security.

  6. #Infosec18: Machine Learning Doesn't Mean AI or End of Humans

    The introduction of AI and machine learning should not mean a decision of man or machine, but one of man and machine

  7. #Infosec18: Dystopic Internet Future Brewing in the East Says Martha Lane Fox

    UK should lead the world in creating a just digital society, claims dotcom pioneer

  8. #Infosec18: A Diverse Team with Opportunities will Benefit a Company's Security

    At Infosecurity Europe, panelists were united in agreement about having a blend of talent and diversity to build the best team

  9. #Infosec18: European Blogger Awards Winners Announced

    The European Security Blogger Award winners have been announced

  10. #Infosec18: How to Design Security Awareness Programs & Drive Smart Security Behavior

    Practical ways to build security awareness programs that can drive better user behaviors

  11. #Infosec18: Users are 'Predictably Irrational' & Influenced by Cognitive Biases

    Bruce Hallas debunks a common assumption about user behavior

  12. Five Riskiest States for Cybercrime

    Where you live matters when it comes to cyber-hygiene.

  13. #Infosec18: Experts in EFI Update Warning

    Duo Security calls for greater transparency from tech firms

  14. Cyber-Criminals Work Around Road Blocks

    Criminals find new tactics after takedown of dark web marketplaces.

  15. Big Bank Blunder from Down Under

    Commonwealth Bank of Australia accidentally sent customer data to the wrong email address.

  16. #Infosec18: Cybersecurity Can Enable Businesses to be More Agile

    Cybersecurity can be an enabler of digital transformation, if an agile environment works for you

  17. #Infosec18: Security Pros Must “Speak Truth to Power”

    Board members still aren’t asking the right questions on cyber-risk, says Dido Harding

  18. #Infosec18: Stealthier Attacks are Blurring the Lines Between Cybercrime & Statecraft

    CrowdStrike CEO reflects on the global threat landscape and latest cyber-trends

  19. #Infosec18: Regulation is Top Driver of Cybersecurity, Now & in the Future

    New report reveals the top key trends driving cybersecurity now and in the next five years

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