Infosecurity News

  1. Chrome Extension Malware Targets Facebook

    A new malware campaign is spread through links on Facebook.

  2. Bolton's Push to Cut Security Post Not Sound

    As US faces increased digital threats, Trump's national security adviser moves to cut a key cybersecurity post.

  3. White Hat Spoofs 2FA, Sends User to Phishing Page

    Renowned hacker Kevin Mitnick bypasses 2FA with relative ease.

  4. EE Fix Portal Which Was Secured with 'Admin' Password

    EE fix portal flaw accused of exposing over two million lines of private source code to their systems and employee systems

  5. Firefox 60's WebAuthn API: No Password Required

    The latest Firefox browser enables pasword-less authentication.

  6. House Panels Approve Bills to Improve Security

    Two House panels approve cybersecurity bills to secure State Department, energy sector.

  7. Healthcare Prone to Attack, Still Unprepared

    A year after WannaCry, healthcare organizations are still vulnerable to ransomware.

  8. #Belfast2018: The Three Key Aims of the National Cyber Security Strategy

    How the National Cyber Security Strategy is making the UK a safer place online

  9. #Belfast2018: The Challenges of Securing Connected Devices, and How to Do It

    Recently-launched RISE is seeking to address the issue of IoT security

  10. Professionals 'Lack Time' or Ignore Critical Patch Application

    Around 40% of organizations ignore critical security issues when they don’t know how to fix them, or don’t have the time to address them.

  11. The Call for Surge in AI Can Not Ignore Security, Risk

    As with all technology, AI can't have security exceptions.

  12. Losses, Not Breaches, Drive AppSec Investment

    A new report looks at the impact that apps running in unsecured environments pose to businesses.

  13. #Belfast2018: A Look at the New London Cyber Innovation Centre

    Claire Cockerton presents an outline of the forthcoming cybersecurity initiative

  14. #Belfast2018: We Must Avoid Security Mistakes of the Past, says Former GCHQ Director

    Ex-director of GCHQ discusses the cyber-threat landscape and the challenges to secure it

  15. #Belfast2018: CSIT Announces Jobs Boost for Cybersecurity Industry

    10 new research and engineering roles created at Queen’s University Belfast

  16. Former Iranian Hacker Exposes Cyber-Efforts

    Iranian government-sponsored offensive cyber-projects rely on contractors and universities for operations.

  17. Microsoft Patches Two Zero-Day Flaws this Month

    Over 20 critical updates to keep sysadmins busy

  18. FBI: Cybercrime Losses Drop as Ransomware Reporting Falls Sharply

    Latest annual report puts total 2017 losses at $1.4bn

  19. Small Firms Up to 20 Times More Likely to be Breached

    Terbium Labs findings come from analysis of breached dark web data

  20. DDoS Attacks Ebb and Flow After Webstresser Takedown

    Conflicting reports find the number of DDoS attacks went both up and down.

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