Infosecurity News

  1. Insiders Blamed for Over a Quarter of Breaches

    Verizon report highlights risk of human error and misuse

  2. Brazilian Criminals Use HTTP Injectors to Gain Free Mobile Internet Access

    The injectors modify HTTP headers on network requests with malicious code; the code then tricks captive portals into connecting to the internet.

  3. 17% of Workers Fall for Social Engineering Attacks

    More than a quarter (27%) of recipients clicked the link in mock phishing mails.

  4. Fraudsters Are Stealing Corporate Funds with Tampered Debit Cards

    An elaborate fraud is bent on draining the bank accounts of large corporations.

  5. GDPR Privacy Policy Fail: Only 34% of EU Sites Compliant

    Firms need to up their game ahead of deadline next month

  6. Consumer Crypto-miners Soar 4000% in Q1

    Malwarebytes sees nefarious mining activity continue to hit users and businesses

  7. Cisco Protocol Abused by Nation State Hackers

    Over 160,000 systems remain vulnerable, says Talos

  8. Raróg Crypto-Miner Allows Affordable Criminality

    It mines unsuspecting victim machines for Monero and other virtual currencies, but its most unusual characteristic is how cheap it is.

  9. One-Fifth of Open-Source Serverless Apps Have Critical Vulnerabilities

    According to PureSec's audit, most vulnerabilities and weaknesses were caused by human error.

  10. Sears/Delta Card Breach Widens to Include Best Buy

    The culprit is a cybersecurity breach at third-party software provider, [24], which provides online automated chat.

  11. Echoes of Mirai: New IoT Botnet Targets Financial Firms

    Recorded Future warns of likely IoTroop activity in January

  12. Hospitals Exposed by Connected Devices

    Trend Micro warns of growing attack surface and supply chain risk

  13. Breached Records Fall 25% as Cloud Misconfigurations Soar

    Cyber-criminals focused on ransomware in 2017, says IBM

  14. Sears, Kmart and Delta Hit with Payment-Card Breach

    The breach was at a third-party firm that provides online customer support services to all three companies.

  15. Rampant Misconfigurations Expose 1.5 Billion Sensitive Corporate Files

    The volume of exposed data in the study totaled 12 petabytes, 4,000 times the size of the Panama Papers leak.

  16. 100% of Web Apps Contain Vulnerabilities

    All apps tested by Trustwave displayed at least 1 vulnerability, with 11 as the median number detected per application.

  17. Intel Halts Spectre Patching for Some Chips

    Chip giant to focus on newer models, as research highlights growing update challenges

  18. Pyongyang Hackers Could be Major Future Threat: Parliament

    China pegged for supporting North Korea hacking efforts

  19. Cambridge Analytica Scandal: Facebook Says 87m Users Affected

    Social network on charm offensive with new privacy features

  20. Half of Cyber-Pros Believe They're Losing the Fight

    They believe that in the next year they will struggle to deal with cyber-threats or be unable to defend against them.

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