Infosecurity News

  1. Email Fraud is a Top Business Risk for 2018

    Businesses across the globe are concerned about email phishing campaigns

  2. UK Police Spend £1.3m on Cybersecurity Training

    UK Police forces spent around £1.3m over three years according to new report

  3. Cambridge Analytica: ICO Seeks Warrant to Search London Office

    Information Commissioner urgently seeks a court warrant to enter the company’s London HQ

  4. Twitter Users Bilked out of Big Money by Elon Musk Clones

    When a verified celebrity account posts a tweet, a fraud account using the same image and display name responds with a scam offer.

  5. Microsoft Debuts Bug Bounty for Spectre/Meltdown-Style Flaws

    Microsoft has launched the limited-time bounty, while Intel launches a “virtual fences” hardware redesign.

  6. Dragonfly Compromises Core Router to Attack Critical Infrastructure

    A core Cisco router relied on by one of Vietnam’s largest oil rig manufacturers was the jumping-off point for attacks on UK energy companies.

  7. Firefox Bug Goes Unfixed for Nine Years

    Software developer discovers flaw in Firefox and Thunderbird’s password manager

  8. Cambridge Analytica Under Fire for Data Harvesting

    Data analytics firm accused of harvesting millions of Facebook profiles of US voters

  9. Researchers Discover Security Issue on Chrome RDP

    Bug discovered that allows a guest user full access to an administer’s machine using Chrome Remote Desktop

  10. GandCrab Ransomware Finds a New Shell

    This well-known malware has gotten around a free decryption tool meant to dull its claws by building a new version in just days.

  11. Walmart Jewelry Partner Exposes Millions in Latest Cloud Storage Misconfig

    MBM/Limogés Jewelry exposed data that can be used to carry out targeted fraud or phishing attempts.

  12. DHS, FBI Warn on Russian State Actors Targeting Critical Infrastructure

    The US is warning that Russian state-sponsored cyber-attackers are targeting critical infrastructure – including nuclear sites.

  13. Vulnerability Discovered in MikroTik RouterOS

    Software sold across the globe found to have vulnerability by security researchers

  14. Cybercrime Profits: Up to $200Bn Laundered Each Year

    Cybercriminals turning to virtual currencies, video game currency and digital payment systems like PayPal to convert illegal revenue into clean cash

  15. Sofacy Targets Government Agency with New Spear-Phishing Campaign

    Espionage group with ties to Russia targets European government organization with updated phishing techniques

  16. US Treasury Department Sanctions Russians Over NotPetya, Election Meddling

    The NotPetya campaign, it noted, was the “most destructive and costly cyber-attack in history."

  17. WhatsApp Agrees to Stop Sharing User Data with Facebook

    After a ban from the ICO, WhatsApp will no longer share personal data until the GDPR rules can be met.

  18. Minority Cyber-Pros Are Better Educated but Paid Less

    Minority representation is higher than in the broader workforce, but these pros are disproportionately found in non-management roles.

  19. Cybersecurity Incident Response Still Major Issue

    Half of incident response plans are either informal, ad-hoc or completely non-existent

  20. Rush to the Cloud Risks Security Breaches

    Companies across Europe feel the pressure to move to the cloud, but neglect cybersecurity

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