Infosecurity News

  1. Applebee’s Hit by POS Malware

    Over 160 US restaurants in RMH franchise are affected

  2. Non-Profit Aims to Bring More Military Vets into Cyber Roles

    TechVets could help reduce chronic skills shortages

  3. Crypto-Mining Attacks Jump 50% to Net Hackers Millions in 2017

    Kaspersky Lab claims attackers are using increasingly sophisticated tactics

  4. NIS America Suffers Card Breach, Offers Store Credit

    The attack resulted in the theft of payment-card details and address information.

  5. Malware Authors Turn to DNS Protocol as a Covert Channel

    DNS command and control (C&C) and DNS exfiltration can be successful because DNS is an integral part of the internet's infrastructure.

  6. It Could Happen to Anyone: FS-ISAC Falls for a Phish

    The financial industry's forum for collaboration on critical security threats was compromised with an unsophisticated phish.

  7. #GartnerIAM: Common Privilege Pitfalls Are Easily Overcome

    There has never been a greater need for PAM

  8. #GartnerIAM: IAM Disrupted by New Trends

    IAM is being disrupted by new trends, but they need not be a problem for the business

  9. Breaches on the Rise as 70% of Healthcare Firms Are Hit

    Thales eSecurity claims 39% have been breached in the past year alone

  10. SEC Issues Subpoenas to Crypto-Currency Firms

    US regulator getting serious about nascent industry

  11. NCSC Warns Charities of Cyber-Threats

    GCHQ body releases new guidance for third sector

  12. #GartnerIAM: Focus More on Basics Than Unknown Threats

    Patching and security hygiene will remain a trend for the coming years

  13. GitHub Hit by 1.35Tbps Memcached DDoS

    GitHub was hit by a DDoS attack which peaked at 1.35Tbps via 126.9 million packets per second.

  14. UK and Aussie Governments Sign Up to Breach Aggregation Site

    Have I Been Pwned? will help keep government log-ins secure

  15. Equifax Breach: Another Two Million Consumers Affected

    Credit agency finds additional driver’s license data was compromised

  16. One in Eight Open Source Components Contain Flaws

    Sonatype research claims number downloaded in UK has soared 120%

  17. US Marines Confirm 21,000 Details Exposed in Data Breach

    The personal data of US Marines, sailors and civilians have been accidentally disclosed in email breach.

  18. UK Uni Students Lose £100,000 to Phishers

    Student Loans Company scams on the rise

  19. Secret German Government Network Attacked

    Reports suggest hackers may have had access for a year

  20. SSL Snafu Ends in 23,000 Revoked Certs

    DigiCert and Trustico feud hits UK websites

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