Infosecurity News

  1. F-Secure: Email Still the Weakest Link

    Phishing and malicious attachments are biggest threat vector

  2. Malvertising Wanes in Q4

    Despite another increase in year-over-year malvertising detections, research shows the numbers are trending down.

  3. OMG! Mirai Variant Creates Proxy Servers

    It also keeps Mirai’s original modules, including the attack, killer and scanner modules.

  4. Widespread Whaling Campaign Looks to Hook Fortune 500 Firms

    Criminals, likely of Nigerian origin, are behind the widespread credential harvesting, phishing and social engineering initiative.

  5. Cybersecurity Skills Gap Soars as Brexit Bites

    Capgemini claims 25 percentage point gap between supply and demand

  6. McAfee: Global Cybercrime Costs Hit $600bn

    Latest research estimates three billion credentials have been compromised

  7. Government Ramps Up ICO Fees for Large Organizations

    Potential £2000+ rise in annual costs as GDPR lands

  8. Allentown Struggles with $1 Million Cyber-Attack

    The city’s critical systems have been hit by the malware known as Emotet, impacting both financial and public safety operations.

  9. Bad Actors Increase Focus on Cloud Services, Encryption

    There was a threefold increase in encrypted communication used by malware in last 12 months.

  10. Risk and Compliance Management Moves Towards Collaboration

    A survey shows a greater need for collaboration on defense, monitoring and recovery across IT, security and compliance functions.

  11. #TEISS18: Phishing Trends and their Impact on Future Risks

    What phishing patterns tell us about coming threats

  12. C-Level Prioritizes Breach Costs Over Customer Losses

    Centrify study also claims CEOs are too focused on malware threat

  13. #TEISS18: Cybersecurity – Myths Versus Reality

    Don’t be blinded by cybersecurity myths, focus on the real-world scenarios

  14. Bot-Driven Credential Stuffing Hits New Heights

    Over two-fifths of login attempts are malicious and automated, says Akamai

  15. UK’s Top Uni Students to Compete in Ethical Hacking Challenge

    Inter-ACE competition returns as government launches skills fund

  16. Tesla Falls to Crypto-Jackers

    Hackers also gained unfettered access to nonpublic Tesla information stored in Amazon S3 buckets, including vehicle telemetry.

  17. North Korean Threat Widens to Target Multinationals

    Reaper has now graduated to the level of an advanced persistent threat.

  18. Twitter Pornbots Hijack Company Hashtags

    The bots tweet at a rapid cadence, with some tweeting more than 50 times per day and more than 10,000 overall.

  19. #TEISS18: Brexit Upsets Hiring and Increases Skills Shortage

    Brexit is discouraging people from coming to the UK, and that is making hiring more challenging

  20. GDPR Extortion Warning as Cyber-Criminals Get Smart in 2018

    Trend Micro claims attackers are becoming more strategic

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