Infosecurity News

  1. IBM Patches Spectre and Meltdown for Power Servers

    Big Blue also warns of new Notes vulnerability

  2. Crypto-Mining Malware Found on 4000+ Sites

    ICO, NHS, US Courts and many other government sites hit

  3. Winter Olympics Site Taken Out for 12 Hours

    Russia suspected of pre-ceremony cyber-attack

  4. Server-Side Exploits Take the Lead for Financially Motivated Hackers

    At the same time, the number of known vulnerabilities doubled in 2017.

  5. Niche Cryptocurrency Dentacoin Expands Focus and Gains Momentum

    Dentacoin is coming to North America for the first time.

  6. Roku-Based Smart TVs Open to Remote Takeover

    Hackers can pump the volume to blaring levels, cycle through channels, open disturbing YouTube content or kick the TV off Wi-Fi.

  7. RSA Security: Consumers Falsify Data to Safeguard PII

    Majority would also boycott firms with poor track record on data security

  8. Apple Calms Nerves After GitHub Code Leak

    Smartphone giant says there’s nothing to worry about from iBoot leak

  9. Over 19 Million Californian Voter Records Held for Ransom Again

    Newspaper’s error means firewall was down for two weeks

  10. Air Gaps, Faraday Cages Can't Deter Hackers After All

    One method exploits the magnetic field generated by a computer's CPU.

  11. 81% of Cybersecurity Pros See Value in Threat Intelligence

    68% of organizations are currently creating or consuming threat data.

  12. Fraud Attempts Soar 113% in Q4

    Bots and breached credentials continue to fuel insatiable rise

  13. Global Arrests as $530m Carding Forum Folds

    Infraud Organization inflicted $2.2bn in intended losses

  14. Swisscom Breach Hits 10% of Swiss Population

    Telecoms firm says intruders got in via sales partner's access rights

  15. Uber CISO: "No Justification" for Failure to Disclose Massive Breach

    “It was wrong not to disclose the breach earlier,” said John Flynn, speaking at a hearing on Capitol Hill.

  16. 42% of the Web's Top Sites Are Compromised

    Sites are running vulnerable software, have been breached or have been used to distribute malware.

  17. ShurL0ckr Ransomware Evades Malware Detection in Google Drive, O365

    Further analysis showed that a full 44% of scanned organizations had some form of malware in at least one of their cloud applications.

  18. Suspected ATM Jackpotting Fraudsters Arrested

    Two men arrested outside cash-point dispensing $20 notes

  19. Business Wire Suffers Week-Long DDoS Attack

    Press release site under sustained pressure

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