Infosecurity News

  1. Adobe Issues Emergency Fix to Foil North Korean Hackers

    Priority 1 bulletin fixes zero-day flaw

  2. 2017: Worst Year Ever for Data Loss and Breaches

    The number of records compromised also surpassed all other years, with over 7.8 billion records exposed, a 24.2% increase over 2016’s previous high of 6.3 billion.

  3. Organizations Spend a Whopping $16M per Year on Detection Tools

    Upfront costs are dwarfed by the human costs of managing and assessing the millions of alerts and false-positives these tools generate.

  4. Flaw in TLS/SSL Certificates Allows Covert Data Transfer

    A proof of concept simulates a threat actor transferring the Mimikatz malware over TLS negotiation traffic.

  5. NHS Trusts Have All Failed Cyber Essentials - Report

    Best practice security still eluding UK healthcare

  6. Alleged US Government Hacker Love Wins Extradition Case

    High Court judges say he should face trial in the UK

  7. Hiscox: Global Firms Still Struggling to Get Cyber-Ready

    Larger firms that spend more are in the lead

  8. Emily Biggs Crowned Security Champion of the Year at Women in IT Awards

    Infosecurity Magazine talks to Emily Biggs, winner of the Security Champion of the Year award

  9. Adobe Flash Zero-Day Spotted in the Wild

    Threat actors are exploiting the vulnerability to distribute the DOGCALL/ROKRAT malware to South Korean victims.

  10. Winter Olympics Attack Expands with Top-Tier Spyware

    Additional implants are being used as a second-stage payload to gain persistence for continued data exfiltration and for targeted access.

  11. 12,000 Social Media Stars Exposed in Latest Cloud Misconfig

    A marketing agency made public a raft of information about influential "creators" – mostly Instagram, Twitter and YouTube personalities.

  12. NCSC’s ‘Active Cyber Defence’ Initiative Boasts Impressive First-Year Results

    More than one million security scans and seven million security tests carried out on public sector websites

  13. API Security Concerns Are on the Rise

    More than two-thirds (69%) of organizations are exposing APIs to the public and their partners.

  14. Fraudulent Money Transfers Cost Orgs $352K on Average

    Incidents quadrupled in 2017, with losses ranging from a few thousand dollars up to $3 million.

  15. Just 20% of Orgs Have Breach Notification Plans

    The majority (73%) said they were “somewhat prepared” and would have to figure things out “on the fly.”

  16. Over 500,000 Windows Machines Infected with Monero Mining Software

    Crypto-mining malware spreading via EternalBlue exploit

  17. Bomgar Acquires Lieberman Software Adding Privilege to Access

    Bomgar has acquired Lieberman Software to enhance its portfolio of secure access software

  18. JenX Botnet Emerges to Target IoT Devices and Grand Theft Auto

    The botnet is for rent. Its service description reads: “God’s wrath will be employed against the IP that you provide us.”

  19. Critical Infrastructure More Vulnerable Than Ever Before

    The number of internet-accessible industrial control systems (ICS) is increasing every year, as are vulnerabilities.

  20. Criminals Move to Cash in on Cryptocurrency Gold Rush

    Cybercriminals have developed several schemes to defraud those looking to profit from the growth in cryptocurrencies.

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