Infosecurity News

  1. UK Government Warns of £17m Non-Compliance Fines for CNI Firms

    NIS Directive will land on May 10

  2. Coincheck Promises to Repay 90% of Stolen Crypto-Coins

    Hacked exchange will need to fork out over $400m

  3. Microsoft Issues Out-of-Band Fix for Intel’s Broken Spectre Patch

    Second unscheduled update of the month for Redmond

  4. London Football Exchange to Launch Its Own Cryptocurrency

    Discussions are already underway with over 50 clubs, including Premier League Clubs in the UK and prominent teams in Europe, the US and Australia.

  5. Fraud Is a Quick-Growing Concern for Businesses

    The research also shows that businesses need to better identify their customers to help combat online fraud.

  6. Cyberattacks Doubled in 2017

    Ransomware attacks on businesses also doubled.

  7. HMRC Fights Back Against the Smishers

    Tax man says its efforts to foil the fraudsters are working

  8. ICO Fines Soared 69% in 2017

    New figures show regulator is getting tough ahead of GDPR

  9. UK Cybercrime Falls but Attacks on Organizations Soar

    Latest ONS stats reveal mixed picture

  10. Mastercard to Implement Biometrics for In-Store Card Payments

    Consumers will be able to identify themselves with fingerprints or facial recognition when they shop and pay with Mastercard.

  11. Malware Tactics Shifted "Significantly" in 2017

    Last year saw a distinct divergence in the types of attacks against businesses from attacks against consumers, Malwarebytes said.

  12. (ISC)² Rolls Out On-Demand SSCP Training

    The move makes security training easily attainable to those who might not otherwise have access.

  13. Over a Third of Global Firms Breached in 2017

    Digital transformation creates complexity and security risk, warns Thales

  14. Crypto ICOs Lose 10% of Funds to Hackers

    Ernst & Young report warns phishing is number one risk

  15. Trend Micro in New Hacktivist Warning

    Web defacers could slip into full-blown or-profit cybercrime, report claims

  16. Charity and Business GDPR Awareness Remains Low

    80% of large businesses have heard of GDPR, and 27% have made changes to how they operate in response

  17. Bell Canada Suffers Customer Data Breach

    Names and email addresses of up to 100,000 customers accessed

  18. High-Profile Twitter Accounts Hit by Turkish Propaganda Campaign

    Accounts of UN Indian ambassador, WEF president and Fox News targeted by hacker group ‘Ayyildiz Tim’

  19. Quality of Password Strength and MFA Adoption Improves

    Only four percent of common passwords would meet with official requirements on strength

  20. Sonic the Hedgehog Apps Leak Data

    Sonic Dash, Sonic the Hedgehog Classic and Sonic Dash 2: Sonic Boom each feature an average of 15 OWASP vulnerabilities.

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