Infosecurity News

  1. Espionage Campaign Sets Sites on Turkish Defense Contractors

    The perpetrators are targeting multiple people with weaponized documents that download a remote access Trojan.

  2. Tinder Flaws Let Stalkers Watch Your Every Move

    Attackers can also take control of profile pictures.

  3. NCSC: UK Facing Category One Cyber-Attack

    Major attack could disrupt critical infrastructure before the decade is out

  4. The $6bn Crime: 17 Million UK Consumers Hit Last Year

    Globally, hackers stolen $172bn, says Norton

  5. UK’s Top Law Firms at Risk After 1m+ Credentials Found on Dark Web

    Spear-phishing, CEO fraud and data theft could follow, says RepKnight

  6. 14 Flaws in Popular Software Are Putting ICS at Risk

    License management USB tokens can be used to open a hidden remote-access channel for cyber-attackers.

  7. Global Levels of Fraud Reached an All-Time High in 2017

    About 84% of companies surveyed worldwide experienced a fraud incident in 2017, according to the Kroll Annual Global Fraud & Risk Report.

  8. Fictional SpriteCoin Cryptocurrency Packs a Ransomware Punch

    The malware attempts to trick victims by masquerading as a password-protected storage mechanism for a new cryptocurrency.

  9. UK 'Most Well-Prepared' European Nation for GDPR

    Study finds UK well ahead of other European nations, but legal experts err on side of caution

  10. Army Boss Warns UK Falling Behind Russia on Cyber

    More investment needed, says Nick Carter

  11. Russian Bots Call for Release of FISA Memo

    Republican lawmakers follow suit, despite voting to reauthorize surveillance law

  12. Half of Norway’s Population May Have Been Breached

    Healthcare provider hit by major intrusion

  13. Smartphone Maker OnePlus Hit with Credit Card Breach Affecting Tens of Thousands

    A malicious script was injected into the payment page code to sniff out credit card info while it was being entered on the website.

  14. In a Twist, Dridex Campaign Uses FTP Sites

    The attack downloads malicious documents from compromised FTP sites instead of the more usual malicious web links.

  15. Most IT Execs Have Zero Control Over Password Hygiene

    More than half of IT executives in a recent survey said they rely solely on employees to monitor their own password behavior.

  16. One Identity Acquires Balabit to Merge IAM and PAM

    Identity and access management provider One Identity has acquired privileged access management vendor Balabit

  17. Report Details 100+ Domains at Risk from IDN-Related Spoofing

    Farsight Security highlights continuing challenge to combat phishing

  18. Serial DDoS-er Pleads Guilty to Two Year Spree

    Former electronics store employee bought DDoS-for-hire services

  19. UK Man Sentenced for Tweeting Personal Data

    Details included name and health details of “vulnerable adult”

  20. Russia, China's Cyber-Capabilities Are Catastrophic

    Both have the capability to launch kinetic and cyber-attacks that cause complete paralysis and/or destruction of critical systems and infrastructure.

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