Infosecurity News

  1. VTech to Pay $650K to Settle Kids’ Privacy Case

    Digital toymaker was also accused by FTC of failing to properly secure children’s data

  2. WPA3 Set to Secure Public Wi-Fi Networks in 2018

    New protocol will land later this year

  3. Hard-Coded Backdoor in My Cloud Devices Offers Attackers Access to Personal Photos, Videos

    Threat actors could gain control over the device, exfiltrate information and spread malware.

  4. Google Drive Exploited to Download Malware Directly from URL

    Proofpoint uncovered the vulnerability and created a proof of concept exploit for the issue, which exists in the Google Apps Script.

  5. Monero Crypto-Mining Invades BlackBerry Mobile Site

    Coinhive weighed in on the Reddit thread saying that the site appears to have been surreptitiously infected.

  6. UK Companies Set to Splurge on Cyber-Risk Mitigation

    ICSA report claims cyber remains top risk for boardrooms in 2018

  7. Attackers Target Winter Olympics with Weaponized Word Doc

    New steganography tool used to obfuscate attack

  8. UK Firms Deluged with Cyber-Attacks in 2017

    ISP spots 633 daily attempts per business to breach the corporate firewall

  9. Apple Confirms Devices Affected by Meltdown, Spectre

    As vendors rush patches out, Shadow Brokers claims it has an exploit for sale.

  10. Nuisance Adware Torments Android Users

    Victims are forced to press on ads to answer or end calls, make a Wi-Fi connection, charge the phone or unlock the screen.

  11. Private Eyes, Fire and Fines: ICO Hands Down Record Damages

    A firm of loss adjusters has been fined £50K for using rogue private investigators to collect information illegally in insurance claim.

  12. White House Bans Personal Phones in West Wing

    Trump administration cites security concerns, but CISO role remains unfilled

  13. Microsoft Issues Warning for Meltdown Fix

    Out-of-band update could cause BSOD for some

  14. Fake Google Play Security Apps Harvest User Info

    Google takes down 36 malware-laden apps

  15. Android Trojan Targets 200+ Global Financial Apps

    Banker A2f8a is designed for stealing login credentials, hijacking SMS messages and more.

  16. Stealthy Crypto-Miners Are Slipping Into Web Ads

    The trojanized ads attempt to con site visitors into clicking on a pop-up that would initiate a secret mining process.

  17. Targeted Attacks on Industrial Sector Growing Rapidly

    About 28% of the 962 industrial companies surveyed have faced targeted attacks in the last 12 months.

  18. VMware Issues Critical VDP Update

    Virtualization giant fixes three vulnerabilities

  19. Major Chip Flaws Confirmed as “Meltdown” and “Spectre”

    Impact of discoveries could be felt for years, claim researchers

  20. DHS Admits Major Leak Affecting 247,000 Employees

    Unauthorized data exfiltration may have hit many more

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