Infosecurity News

  1. Half of Firms Fail to Fully Disclose Breaches — Report

    CyberArk report uncovers litany of poor security practices

  2. Tenable in Trouble After Spamming Customers

    Security vendor also removed popular features from new product

  3. Researchers: 1% of All Websites May Have Been Breached

    UC San Diego team urges netizens to use password manager

  4. UK Parents, Beware Private-School Fee Scams

    The scam typically begins with parents receiving an email giving them payment details for the school fees, perhaps saying these have changed.

  5. Spider Spins a Ransomware Web

    Victims are given four days to pay—an unusually generous payment window for ransomware.

  6. Just One-Third of Execs Have Heard of WannaCry — Report

    CA Veracode claims execs are funding app splurge but ignoring security

  7. GDPR: True Cost of Compliance Far Less Than Non-Compliance

    GDPR is considered by respondents to be the most challenging among other data compliance regulations.

  8. USB Encryption and Security Falls Well Short

    A full 87% of employees surveyed have lost a USB drive and failed to notify their company.

  9. Emotet Info-stealer Returns, with New Tactics

    This latest offensive shows it spreading beyond financial targets and into the US and other arenas.

  10. Bangladesh Bank Accused of Hiding Details of $81m Theft

    Philippines lender says it has been completely transparent with authorities

  11. Researchers Find Trove of 1.4 Billion Breached Credentials

    Database is aggregated and allows for speedy searches

  12. Janus Vulnerability Allows Android App Takeover

    A cloned application can look and behave like the original application but inject malicious behavior.

  13. Necurs Botnet Returns to Top 10 Malware List

    The Necurs botnet started mass distribution of Scarab during the holiday, sending over 12 million emails in a single morning.

  14. Microsoft Patches Two Critical Defender Bugs

    RCE flaws spotted by UK’s National Cyber Security Centre

  15. FSB: Lack of Cyber-Skills Holding Back Small Business

    Government needs to raise its game, says industry body

  16. Cybercrime Now Driven by Four Distinct Groups

    There are four distinct groups of cyber-criminals: traditional gangs, state-sponsored attackers, ideological hackers and hackers-for-hire

  17. Ransomware Takes Out North Carolina County

    Key services disrupted for over a million residents

  18. Iranian State-Sponsored APT 34 Launches Spy Campaign with Just-Patched Microsoft Vulns

    An espionage campaign being carried out in the Middle East uses a vulnerability less than a week after Microsoft patched it.

  19. State Officials Showcase Election Security Plan in US

    The plan addresses a hot-button topic in the wake of Russian meddling in the US presidential election last year.

  20. $64m in Bitcoin Stolen from NiceHash Mining Platform

    The compromise was highly professional and involved “sophisticated social engineering"—leading to the loss of 4,700 bitcoins.

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