Infosecurity News

  1. Most Organizations Run Out-of-Date Office Software

    Spiceworks report claims Office 2007 is most popular

  2. Multi-vector Attack on Android Throws the Kitchen Sink at Victims

    A banking credential phish is followed by tricking the victim into installing the Marcher banking trojan, and attempts to steal credit-card info.

  3. Hackers Leak Sexually Explicit Photos, Messages of WWE Star Paige

    The cache contains highly personal WhatsApp conversations with fellow wrestler Xavier Woods.

  4. Paradise Papers Breach is Hell for Offshore Tax Avoiders

    Law firm Appleby rails against theft of 1.4TB of data

  5. Quarter of UK Employees Have 'Purposefully Leaked Business Data'

    New survey shines a light on risks surrounding email misuse within the enterprise

  6. Synopsys Set to Acquire Black Duck Software

    Synopsys is set to boost its application security testing portfolio with the acquisition of Black Duck Software

  7. Silence Please: New Carbanak-Like Group Attacks Banks

    Kaspersky Lab reveals sophisticated monitoring techniques

  8. Internet Monitoring Platform Put Families at Risk

    Circle with Disney exposed parents and kids to malware

  9. North Korea Accused of Stealing Warship Blueprints from the South

    North Korea has likely hacked Daewoo Shipbuilding.

  10. Hilton Told to Pay Up After Mishandling Data Breaches

    The hotel giant took nine months to notify customers about a point-of-sale attack in 2014.

  11. The Devil Targets Japan with Bad Rabbit-like Wiper-Ransomware

    ONI has been discovered being used as a wiper to cover up elaborate hacking operations.

  12. Malaysian Data Breach Could Affect Entire Population

    Over 46 million records found their way onto the dark web

  13. Apple FaceID Confidence Runs High

    Apple’s facial recognition for iPhone is seen by most to be a trustworthy authentication mechanism, despite it not yet being released.

  14. Only a Third of US Office Workers Know What Ransomware Is

    Of the office workers that have fallen victim to ransomware at work, 59% paid the ransom personally.

  15. CryptoShuffler Trojan Sucks Cash from Wide Range of Crypto-Wallets

    Criminals have already succeeded in lucratively attacking Bitcoin wallets, stealing equivalent to almost $140,000.

  16. Code Signing Certs Traded for $1000+ on Darknet

    Venafi research is another nail in the coffin of internet trust

  17. EU to Declare Cyber-Attacks “Act of War”

    Member states set to sign new diplomatic framework

  18. 'unCAPTCHA' Defeats Google CAPTCHA with 85% Accuracy

    unCaptcha combines free, public, online speech-to-text engines with a phonetic mapping technique.

  19. UK Government Blames WannaCry on North Korea

    Security minister says London is “as sure as possible”

  20. Twitter Bans RT and Sputnik Ads Following Election Meddling

    Social site says it took decision based on US intelligence

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