Infosecurity News

  1. HomeHack Flaw Allows Spying Via the Robot Vacuum

    Hackers can remotely control refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, washing machines and dryers, AC and more.

  2. Gozi Trojan Banks on Element of Surprise in Japan

    Japan is a country with a low rate of financial malware activity.

  3. Regional Internet Registry Spills WHOIS Database

    APNIC blames technical error for privacy snafu

  4. Anonymous Attacks Spanish Government Sites

    Hacktivists on the side of Catalonian independence

  5. NHS and Government to Blame for WannaCry, Says NAO

    Cyber-shambles at Department of Health as 34% of trusts were hit

  6. Dark Web Marketplace Extorted by Cyber-criminals

    Cyber-extortion has a new racket: Extorting fellow criminals.

  7. Amazon Key Raises Security Fears Across the Spectrum

    Amazon Key gives couriers the ability to unlock people’s homes to deliver packages inside, using a smart lock and camera.

  8. PCI SSC Launches New 3DS Payment Standards

    Council looks to improve security of authentication infrastructure

  9. #BadRabbit Actors Planned Attacks Since 2016

    RiskIQ claims websites were compromised for some time

  10. The Dark Web Goes Mobile—and More Untrackable

    Mobile messaging offers a convenience mobile platform for criminals, given the availability of group chat.

  11. Strong Authentication Still Elusive for Businesses

    Half of all respondents still use only passwords to protect company IP and financial data.

  12. GDPR and Reputation Loss Bother Businesses

    39% of European respondents identified GDPR as a business risk, while 33% identified ISO 27001/2 as a compliance regulation to be subject to, and 23% identified PCI DSS.

  13. Consumer Group Calls for Changes to Data Protection Bill

    Which? wants to make it easier for Brits to seek breach compensation

  14. NSA Contractor Downloaded Backdoor to PC, Says Kaspersky Lab

    Russian AV vendor publishes internal investigation into US media allegations

  15. Hackers Threaten to Release Plastic Surgery Pics of Celebs, Royals

    The Dark Overlord said that it plans to release the trove on the internet, including images of breast augmentation.

  16. Bad Rabbit Ransomware Spreads In Russia, Ukraine

    BadRabbit, believed to be a Petya variant, could also be tied to attacks on critical infrastructure in Ukraine.

  17. Third Man Pleads Guilty to 'Celebgate' iCloud Attacks

    Scores of celebs fell for simple phishing campaign

  18. Young Adults More Likely to Fall for Phishing Scams

    Get Safe Online finds over-55s are more cautious online

  19. DDoS Attack Takes Czech Election Sites Offline

    Barrage follows parliamentary elections

  20. APT28 Targets Cybersecurity Experts in Latest Spy Campaign

    The payload allows screenshot capture, data and configuration exfiltration, remote code execution and file downloading.

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