Infosecurity News

  1. New Scam Impersonates VAT Form to Deliver Malware

    Phishing attack disguised as HMRC doc contains links to the infamous JRAT malware

  2. Iran Blamed for June Parliament Cyber-Attack

    Hackers brute forced scores of accounts

  3. DoubleLocker Ransomware Changes PIN and Encrypts Data

    Double trouble for Android users, says ESET

  4. Hundreds of Fake iPhone Accounts Spread Social Scams

    ZoneFOX spots fraudsters newsjacking the iPhone 8/X launch

  5. Hyatt Suffers Second Card Data Breach in Two Years

    Hotel giant caught out yet again

  6. Netflix Phish Presses Play on Corporate Dangers

    Phishing a consumer service like Netflix could lead to illicit access to an enterprise email account.

  7. Accenture Leaked Data Via Another AWS Misconfig

    Consulting giant is latest firm guilty of serious security failings

  8. North Korea Targets US Power Grid

    Meanwhile, hackers stole a cache of military documents from South Korea including a plan to assassinate Kim Jong-un.

  9. In-Depth Med Records for 150K Americans Leaked in Latest Amazon S3 Issue

    Each file includes patient names, home addresses, phone numbers and details on the tests themselves.

  10. Data Breach Notification Most Clicked Subject in Phishing Tests

    The most common subject line to get an employee’s attention relates to data breaches

  11. Light Patch Tuesday this Month with No Adobe Fixes

    Admins should focus on three publicly disclosed flaws

  12. Latest ATM Malware is Lightweight and Simple

    The malware consists of two parts - an injector module, which targets ATM software, and the module to be injected.

  13. All for One, One for All: MENA Cyber-criminals Have a Spirit of Sharing Mindset

    Investigation shows the regional cybercrime marketplace is defined by a feeling of brotherhood and religious alliance.

  14. VTech Asks Court to Drop Lawsuit Over Breach Affecting Millions of Kids and Parents

    The litigation is a consolidation of five separate lawsuits, all arising out of the November 2015 data breach.

  15. Facebook CSO: Spotting Fake News is Harder Than You Think

    Stamos hits back at critics

  16. PornHub Malvertising Attack Exposed Millions to Ad Fraud

    Proofpoint spots KovCoreG group campaign lasting over a year

  17. Half of ITDMs: Cybersecurity Still Not a Top Priority for the Board

    Transition to cloud will make security a growing priority for the board going forward

  18. Disqus Breach Exposed 17.5m Emails

    Breach from 2012 just discovered by third party

  19. Despite Publicity, Database Misconfigurations Grow Voluminous

    More than half of orgs using cloud storage services such as Amazon S3 have inadvertently exposed services to the public.

  20. NSA: There's a New Normal on the Nation-State Front

    Phishing and vulnerability exploitation remain the top two threat vectors against the government.

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