Infosecurity News

  1. Security Serious Unsung Heroes Award Winners Announced

    St. Bart’s Brewery, London, played host to the 2nd annual Security Serious Unsung Heroes Awards, an evening that celebrates individuals or teams that have consistently demonstrated their dedication to the IT security industry

  2. Global Orgs Plan Data Migration Ahead of GDPR

    The US remains the most popular data storage destination, preferred by nearly half of all organizations surveyed by McAfee.

  3. #IPEXPO: Evolving Hacking Trends: Attackers Targeting Mobile Whilst Spamming Grows More Sophisticated

    Speaking at IP EXPO Europe 2017 James Lyne presented a session on the current and evolving trends that cyber-criminals are implementing

  4. #IPEXPO: Professor Brian Cox Explores the Collison of IT & Physics

    Rock star physicist and TV personality Professor Brian Cox OBE opened IP EXPO Europe 2017 with a fascinating and engaging keynote exploring ‘Where IT and Physics collide’

  5. #Infosec17 Key Hiring Skills Include Problem Solving

    Reaching out to a new generation of cybersecurity professionals is as important as retaining what you have.

  6. Accenture: Utility Grids Brace for Cyberattacks—with Poor Defenses

    Most utilities expect an attack soon but smart-grid initiatives bring up even bigger fears.

  7. Equifax Awarded $7m IRS Fraud Prevention Contract

    Breached firm tasked with protecting US taxpayers

  8. Banking Trojan Exploits Chain of Trust to Deceive Security Tools

    It exploits an authentic VMware binary to deceive security tools into accepting errant activity.

  9. Pulse-Wave DDoS Attacks Mark a New Tactic in Q2

    It’s called such due to the traffic pattern it generates—a rapid succession of attack bursts that split a botnet’s attack output.

  10. Many Patched Macs Still Vulnerable Via EFI Issues

    Firmware in many models hasn’t been receiving security updates

  11. Governments' Google Data Requests Hit All-Time High

    Firm forced to revise up many FISA demands from previous years

  12. Uber London Ban Sees Rise in Malicious Taxi Apps

    RiskID spots fake apps serving adware and linking to known bad sites

  13. ICANN Postpones Major Internet Security Update

    KSK rollover could kick 750m internet users offline

  14. ISF Offers GDPR Implementation Roadmap

    The guide offers best practices for guiding a compliance program.

  15. One-Fifth of IoT Device Owners Unaware of Mirai

    Also, more than one-third (35%) of IoT device owners do not change the default password on their devices.

  16. Dark Web Drug Suspect Cuffed On Way to Beard Contest

    Suspect linked to “OxyMonster” admin on Dream Market site

  17. Norway Joins Global Cyber-Defense Hub

    The Nordic country joins 20 other NATO allies in the research hub.

  18. Sonic Drive-In Hit By Breach, Millions of Cards Potentially Affected

    The stolen cards are part of a cache of five million accounts put up for sale on the Dark Web in mid-September.

  19. Phishing Remains Top Cyberattack Vector in 2017

    Employees are most often victims of spoofing and impersonation (67%).

  20. Volumetric Attacks and the IoT Dominate DDoS Scene

    Also, 75% of attacks employed blended, multi-vector approaches in Q2.

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