Infosecurity News

  1. Wells Fargo Asks Judges to Force Return of Leaked Client Data

    Bank’s lawyer accidentally sent data on tens of thousands of clients to opposition lawyer

  2. New Form of Cyber-Attack Targets Energy Sector

    The approach has the potential to cause power cuts, disrupt vital facilities and even cost lives.

  3. Russian Underground Launches Online Courses in Card Fraud

    Credit-card fraud gangs, which are cashing in on $24 billion a year, are now offering online e-learning courses for would-be criminals.

  4. Xinjiang Users Arrested over State Spyware Usage

    Latest crackdown on Uyghurs in the name of anti-terrorism.

  5. Compliance and Employee Behavior Bother Data Security

    Compliance and regulation and the unpredictable behavior of employees have the biggest impact on data security, according to research

  6. UK Gov Launches £20m Security Skills Program Website

    Teachers, students and industry players urged to register interest

  7. Swedish Government Blamed for Mega Data Leak

    Witness protection scheme participants, elite military operatives and more have info exposed

  8. Stealthy Botnet with Half a Million Slaves Represents 'Major Threat'

    ESET said that it can send a fully featured backdoor, and perform brute-force attacks on Joomla and WordPress panels.

  9. UAE-Based Hackers Responsible for Qatar's Gulf Crisis

    The hack on Qatari state websites that has resulted in a diplomatic rift in the Persian Gulf came from the Emirates.

  10. Microsoft Sues Putin's Hacking Cyberspies

    Microsoft is using the lawsuit to dismantle big swathes of Fancy Bear's infrastructure.

  11. Newcastle Uni Stung by Sophisticated Phishing Site

    Phishers look to harvest details from prospective international students

  12. Global Law Enforcement Action Shuts Down AlphaBay & Hansa Dark Web Markets

    Underground criminal economy was responsible for the trading 350 000+ illicit commodities

  13. TSB Set to Roll-Out Iris Scanning for App Users

    Biometric Log-Ins raise security fears after Samsung system was cracked

  14. Citadel Developer Vartanyan Jailed for Five Years

    Atlanta court sends down Russian cyber-criminal known as “Kolypto”

  15. Tillerson to Ax Standalone Cyber-Office in State Department—Report

    The personnel that coordinates cyber initiatives with US allies will lose direct access to Tillerson, according to sources.

  16. DarkHotel Perfects a New Attack Gambit for Political Targets

    The attack chain involves whaling, digital certificate factoring and the Inexsmar malware.

  17. A Hacker's Dream: American Password Reuse Runs Rampant

    Millennials are the worst offenders, according to a SecureAuth/Wakefield survey.

  18. Critical Security Vulnerabilities Found in Segway Hoverboards

    Hackers could take full control of device - changing pace, direction or bringing it to a halt

  19. WannaCry: 25% Add Cybersecurity to Boardroom Agenda

    Decision makers in the UK, US, Australia and Germany are taking action after the global ransomware campaign

  20. Two Iranians Charged with Hacking US Defense Technology Maker

    Hackers stole and illegally redistributed software used in ammunition design

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