Infosecurity News

  1. Exit Scam Fears as Darknet Giant AlphaBay Goes Offline

    World’s biggest marketplace panics customers

  2. Huge WWE Leak Exposes Data of Three Million Wrestling Fans

    IT error may have exposed the personal information of millions of WWE fans

  3. Parents, Schools Concerned Over Snapchat's Tracking Map

    A location-sharing feature in Snapchat shows a detailed map of children’s physical movements.

  4. Confidence in Security Tools Hits a Low

    Nearly half of respondents (46%) had purchased security tools that failed to meet their organization’s needs.

  5. UK Student Charged Over Global DoS Attacks

    Teen is alleged to have supplied cyber-criminals with malware

  6. Bithumb Hack Leads to Millions in Bitcoin Losses

    Personal details on 30,000 people have been stolen from the crypto-currency exchange, leading to the theft of funds.

  7. Cloud Security Investment Rises

    Despite ongoing security concerns, most businesses are moving to the cloud.

  8. Android Vulnerabilities in Lenovo Vibe Allow Jailbreaking

    The flaws affect mobile phones running on Lollipop and earlier versions of the Android OS.

  9. Massive AdGholas Malvertising Campaign Infects Millions

    It infected as many as 1 million computers per day with a variety of geo-focused banking trojans.

  10. Zeus Variant Takes Aim at POS Data

    Neutrino is custom-made to collect credit card information from point-of-sale systems, among other things.

  11. ICO Raps NHS Trust over Protection Failure in Google Trial

    Shortcomings in patient data privacy have been found by the ICO on a case involving the Royal Free NHS Foundation Trust’s use of Google DeepMind

  12. MPs Targeted by Vishers Following Parliament Attack

    Phone fraudsters pose as IT technicians in bid to get log-ins

  13. NCSC Rolls out Active Cyber Defense Government Programs

    The National Cyber Security Centre has announced the launch of four ‘Active Cyber Defence’ programs to improve basic level of cybersecurity across UK business and government departments

  14. Computer Scientists: Passwords Can be Acquired from Brain Waves

    A study by computer scientists from University of Alabama at Birmingham and the University of California Riverside suggests that passwords can be acquired from brain waves.

  15. CIA May Have Developed Linux Malware

    The latest Vault 7 dump on WikiLeaks, dated 29 June 2017, contains a document on Linux malware the CIA may have developed, named OutlawCountry.

  16. 8Tracks Breach Exposes Millions of Accounts

    Online radio service at least hashed and salted passwords

  17. Linux Systemd Vulnerability Enables DNS Attacks

    Vulnerability in Linux systemd can trick a computer to execute malicious code or can trigger system crashes

  18. Shadow Brokers Taunt and Blackmail NSA

    Shadow Brokers provide promised exploits and leaked data at June's end and promise more in July

  19. Nato Confirms Cyber as Legitimate Military Domain

    Attack on one member state is an attack on all

  20. PwC: UK Councils Face Uphill Security Challenge

    Just a third of local authority leaders confident in current approach

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