Infosecurity News

  1. North American, Global Workforce Gap to Hit 1.8m by 2022

    A full 68% of cyber-workers in North America believe the workforce shortage is due to a lack of qualified personnel.

  2. #Infosec17 Blockchain Could Be Next 'Cybersecurity Frontier' by 2025

    KPN CISO argues there’s much work to be done before then

  3. #Infosec17: Paxman Talks Trust at Infosecurity Europe

    Veteran broadcaster dubious about Russian election hacking allegations

  4. #INFOSEC17 Malwarebytes: WannaCry was Amateur Attackers Using Sophisticated Exploit

    The WannaCry ransomware was ‘amateur’, but using a sophisticated exploit was the reason for its success.

  5. Turla Uses Instagram in Latest Campaign Wave

    Turla has been targeting governments and diplomats for years, but using social media to connect with the C&C is new.

  6. #Infosec17 IoT Testing Must Focus on the Entire Ecosystem

    Rapid7 explains importance of holistic approach to testing

  7. #INFOSEC17: Ransomware and IoT are Greatest Cyber-Threats of 2017

    In the Infosecurity Europe keynote discussion about risks, threats and adversaries, Rik Ferguson, VP Security Research at Trend Micro and advisor to Europol and James Lyne, security researcher at Sophos, talked about the latest cyber-risks.

  8. 80% of NGFWs Fail to Detect Evasions

    In independent testing, the average security effectiveness rating was 67.3%.

  9. #Infosec17: Security Doesn’t Work if it “Doesn’t Work for People”

    Time for a shift in thinking if we are to improve user behavior

  10. #Infosec17: Botnets & Their DDoS Attacks Are Our Collective Problem

    DDoS attacks are all too commonly thought of as “someone else’s” problem, but botnets are all too easily formed

  11. More Payloads Appear for EternalBlue NSA Weapon

    It is likely that we will see yet more additional payloads for the tool.

  12. DoD Files Found on Publicly Accessible Amazon Server

    Booz Allen Hamilton blames human error

  13. IDC: Most Orgs Mount Ineffective Security Investigations

    Firms experience an average of 40 actionable incidents per week, but only a quarter (27%) think they are coping.

  14. Kmart Point of Sale Hacked with 'Undetectable' Malware

    In Kmart's second breach in three years, chip-and-PIN card readers significantly contained the fallout.

  15. 250K Photos Leaked in Cosmetic Surgery Extortion Attack

    The Fancy Bear/APT28 hacking group, using the nickname "Tsar Team,” is behind the attack, according to reports.

  16. Fireball Malware Infects 20% of Corporate Networks Worldwide

    Fireball is adware, and can be turned into a fully functioning malware downloader.

  17. OneLogin Reports Unauthorized Access, User Data Compromised

    Identity management and Single Sign-On vendor OneLogin has reported an unauthorized access issue, which may have compromised customer data.

  18. UK Healthcare Accounts for 43% of all Breaches

    The British healthcare system experienced 2447 incidents and accounted for 43% of all reported incidents between January 2014 and December 2016

  19. Gmail Embraces Machine Learning

    Early phishing detection, click-time warnings for malicious links and unintended external reply warnings are all new.

  20. IT and Biz Leaders: Boards Don’t Take Security Seriously

    Control Risks says IT teams need to communicate better with C-level

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