Infosecurity News

  1. 2017 Has Already Racked Up 1,200 Breaches--On Pace for Worst Year Ever

    A massive 3.4 billion records have been exposed already.

  2. #WannaCry Profits Finally Hit $100,000

    Not a great ROI for the black hats behind infamous ransomware

  3. Breaches Set to Grow in 2018 but Security Investments Stall

    FICO poll finds UK firms lagging on breach response plans

  4. C-Level Represents Biggest Mobile Security Risk

    Latest iPass study finds IT leaders are increasingly concerned

  5. EternalRocks Worm Uses 7 Leaked NSA Hacking Tools

    It presents a potential threat that could have far worse consequences than WannaCry.

  6. Questions Raised After Reporter Fools Bank Biometrics

    HSBC’s Voice ID system allowed imposter eight log-in attempts

  7. #WannaCry Didn’t Start with Phishing Attacks, Says Malwarebytes

    Security vendor claims port scanning was first stage in campaign

  8. #WannaCry BT Phishing Scam Spotted

    ActionFraud urges users not to click through

  9. #SecureTour17: Business Nightmare Scenarios Detailed a Week Since #WannaCry

    Independent computer security researcher Graham Cluley described the three main areas of concern for businesses in 2017

  10. RSA: Quarter of UK Consumers Boycott Breached Firms

    Latest poll suggests consumer trust is at all-time low

  11. UK Activist Charged After Refusing to Hand Police Passwords

    Heathrow police tried to use Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act

  12. Zomato Breach Exposes 17 Million Users

    Log-ins and email addresses stolen

  13. #WannaCry hits Medical Devices in US

    A Bayer spokesperson confirmed that its products were indeed hit by the malware.

  14. Amazon Tops Darknet Exposure Index

    Amazon is the company with the largest darknet footprint according to a new ranking.

  15. Political Parties in DMARC Fail Ahead of Elections

    Agari warns that democratic process is at risk in UK, Germany and Norway

  16. Shadow Brokers Warn of June Data Dump

    Kremlin-linked group claims to have 75% of US cyber arsenal

  17. ICO Slaps Nuisance Text Biz with £100K Fine

    OneCom didn’t seek prior consent from recipients

  18. Secure Disposal Remains Elusive for Documents of All Stripes

    39% of small businesses have no policy in place for storing and disposing of confidential paper documents.

  19. Bell Canada Breach Hits Nearly Two Million Customers

    Canada’s largest telco claims no financial data has been exposed

  20. New Cryptomining Threat Could Overshadow #WannaCry

    Adylkuzz uses same NSA exploits as infamous ransomware campaign

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