Infosecurity News

  1. Boardroom-CISO Communications Breakdown is Endemic

    Osterman Research finds fewer than 40% of IT and security executives feel they get help from the board to address cybersecurity threats.

  2. Siloed Network Security Leads to 5+ Incidents Per Year

    Frost & Sullivan found that 72% of large enterprises saw 5+ security incidents per year—mostly driven by attacks on managed devices.

  3. ISIS Data Breach Leaks Recruits’ Details

    Coup for Western intelligence agencies as key USB drive is stolen

  4. Most CIOs Fear Fines Under New Euro Data Protection Laws

    Egress report reveals too many are focused on external threats

  5. Facebook Fixes Major 'Brute Force' Bug

    Social network issues grateful $15,000 bounty for beta site flaw

  6. Unlucky 13 as Microsoft Unveils March Patch Update

    Five critical security bulletins to address this month

  7. Whalers Con Employee W-2s Out of Environmental Resource Management

    Part of a rash of tax season phishing efforts, ERM is the latest to hand over everything needed for identity theft and tax return fraud.

  8. Consumers Don't Trust .ninja and Other Newfangled Domains

    Over half of surfers (52%) express discomfort in visiting websites ending in new domains.

  9. EFF Releases Millionth Free HTTPS Cert

    'Let's Encrypt CA' helps build a more secure and better encrypted internet.

  10. NatWest Vows to Improve Security After SIM Swap Fiasco

    Investigation shows how easy it is to drain bank accounts

  11. Google Open Sources Framework to Improve Third Party Security

    Vendor Security Assessment Questionnaire should help firms and their suppliers

  12. High-Seas Pirates Turn to Cyber-Espionage

    Uncommonly wired sea-pirates hacked bills of lading for future shipments and vessel routes to plot out their attacks ahead of time.

  13. Fresh APT Found Targeting Indian Military, Diplomats

    The multi-vector campaign drops a remote access trojan (RAT) with data exfiltration, screen capture and keylogging capabilities.

  14. Cox Communications Investigates Data Breach Affecting 40K Employees

    Names, email addresses, phone numbers and phishing-ready info on employees has turned up on a Dark Web marketplace.

  15. ‘KeRanger’ Ransomware Hits OS X

    Palo Alto Networks has unearthed a new piece of ransomware that is specifically targeting the OS X platform.

  16. Fast Company, Inc. Magazine Publisher Hacked

    Sources say hackers have already used stolen wage information and Social Security numbers to file fraudulent federal and state tax returns.

  17. #RSAC: Accessibility Clickjacking Threatens 500Mn Android Devices

    In a PoC unveiled at RSA, Skycure married mobile clickjacking and accessibility permissions for an insidious new attack vector.

  18. Golem Android Trojan Remotely Controls Mobile Apps

    Golem can control devices remotely and automatically launch and run applications without a user’s consent.

  19. #RSAC: BT Partners with Identity and Security to Secure Cloud

    BT has announced further partnerships with CA Technologies and Palo Alto Networks to offer cloud identity service and security.

  20. #RSAC: Hackers Will Abuse Gov Data Access, Say Security Pros

    Survey finds 88% of security professionals think access would have a negative impact on consumer and enterprise security and privacy

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