Infosecurity News

  1. 90% of Android Phones Are Running Outdated OS

    Android poses more significant risk for corporate IT environments than Apple iPhones do.

  2. French Government Rejects Encryption Backdoors

    Despite pressure after Paris attacks, digital minister stands firm

  3. Nissan Suffers Anonymous DDoS in Whaling Protest

    Hacktivists Anonymous hit the websites of automotive manufacturer Nissan with a DDoS attack in an anti-whaling campaign.

  4. Phishing costs UK £174 Million in 2015

    Phishing fraud continued to rise in 2015, with scams costing victims £174.4 million.

  5. Industrial Control Stalwart Open to Authentication Bypass

    An attacker could execute arbitrary code or impersonate the authenticated user and perform a man-in-the-middle attack.

  6. (ISC)2 Foundation Offers Cybersecurity Scholarships for Women

    The program is offering up to $40,000 towards women’s scholarships in the field.

  7. Energy Firms Under Fire: Over 80% Suffer Attacks in 2015

    Tripwire study shows rate of attacks is also increasing

  8. MegalodonHTTP Author Arrested in December RAT Raid

    Norwegian and Europol officers worked with Damballa to track suspects

  9. Raytheon|Websense Becomes Forcepoint

    The company combines Websense, Raytheon Cyber Products and the recently-acquired Stonesoft next-generation firewall business.

  10. Over 22,000 USBs May Have Been Left in Dry Cleaners

    Eset study warns of dangers of removable media

  11. Accenture: Firms Must Improve ‘Digital Stewardship’

    Customers no longer trust businesses to use personal data securely

  12. Average Cost of a Spear Phishing Incident: $1.6Mn

    In the past 12 months, spear phishing was responsible for 38 percent of cyber-attacks on their enterprises.

  13. Business Confidence in Cloud Security Grows

    As organizations implement better security policies, CISOs are also starting to play a critical role as the cloud takes over.

  14. Rare Silverlight Zero-Day Uncovered in Hacking Team Saga

    The exploit is a heavyweight bug, with the potential to successfully attack a raft of major targets.

  15. Light Patch Load for first Microsoft Update Round of 2016

    Nine bulletins to work on but IE migration should be a priority

  16. Police Around the World Join Forces to Target DDoS Gang

    DD4BC suspect arrested and evidence seized

  17. Faithless Fans Suffer Data Breach thanks to SQLi Flaw

    Site owners didn’t contact users after September attack

  18. Malicious SEO Campaign Uses SQL Injection to Confuse Page Rankings

    The intent is to confuse search engine bots and erroneously impact page rankings for thousands of sites, for mass web defacement.

  19. Most Health and Financial Mobile Apps Are Rife with Vulnerabilities

    59% of the Android mobile finance apps tested had at least three Top 10 risks, whereas a full 100% of the iOS apps tested had at least three.

  20. Trochilus RAT Discovered in Multi-Pronged Government Attack

    A group of malware is targeting government websites in Asia, using watering-hole methods and spear phishing.

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