Infosecurity News

  1. Consumers Won't Shop with Breached Firms – Report

    Gemalto study offers food for thought during hectic festive period.

  2. Volume of New Malware Files Drops in 2015

    Cybercriminals look elsewhere to get results, says Kaspersky Lab.

  3. Bankers Fear Cybercrime More than Economic Failure

    PwC report claims ‘creaking technology’ is no match for determined hackers.

  4. Airline Customers' Data Exposed by HTTPS Hole – Report

    Wandera claims 16 firms have failed to use HTTPS for payment data and PII

  5. Iranian Groups Hit ISPs with Info-Stealing Attacks

    Two new cyber espionage campaigns spotted in Middle East

  6. Only One Third of SMBs Can Manage IT Security

    Webroot study finds US firms’ losses way outstrip those of UK companies.

  7. UK Now Number One Source of DDoS Attack Traffic

    Akamai claims this could be start of a long-term trend

  8. Over 130,000 Phones and Laptops Left in UK Bars

    Eset warns of device security risk going into festive party seasons.

  9. FireEye Releases Research on Bootkit Targeting Credit Card Data

    Security firm releases new research around a financially motivated threat group targeting credit card data by using sophisticated malware executed before an operating system boots.

  10. SMB Sector ‘Seriously’ Exposed to Cybercrime Risks

    The UK’s small to medium-sized business sector is leaving itself wide open to serious cyber-crime risks says insurer.

  11. APT 28 Group Ramps Up Activity Tenfold in 2015

    Kaspersky Lab warns hackers are trying to jump air-gapped networks.

  12. Microsoft Overtakes IBM as Most Buggy Software Vendor

    Flexera report claims bundled Flash is to blame.

  13. Happy Hour for Hackers as Wetherspoons Suffers Data Breach

    British pub chain was hit back in June

  14. Cloud Security Concerns Persist for Majority of Businesses

    A full 69% of companies are afraid that migration to the cloud will increase risks of unauthorized access while 43% worry about account hijacking.

  15. Web Scripting Languages Fail OWASP Top 10

    Veracode warns of widespread vulnerabilities in PHP, ASP and ColdFusion.

  16. Chinese APT Group Uses Dropbox to Target Hong Kong Media

    Hackers used cloud storage platform as C&C server in info-stealing attacks.

  17. Privacy Snafu Exposes Adele Fans’ Personal Data

    Songkick apologizes for causing ‘alarm’

  18. Power to the Endpoint: Avecto Snags $49Mn in Funding

    The investment shows that prevention is back as a credible cyber-defense strategy.

  19. RiskIQ Makes Facebook ThreatExchange Data Accessible

    RiskIQ has teamed up with Facebook to provide a visual interface on top of the social network’s ThreatExchange product.

  20. UK Regulator to Investigate Cloud Storage Complaints

    Price rises and concerns over data loss top of the list.

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