Infosecurity News

  1. SMB Sector ‘Seriously’ Exposed to Cybercrime Risks

    The UK’s small to medium-sized business sector is leaving itself wide open to serious cyber-crime risks says insurer.

  2. APT 28 Group Ramps Up Activity Tenfold in 2015

    Kaspersky Lab warns hackers are trying to jump air-gapped networks.

  3. Microsoft Overtakes IBM as Most Buggy Software Vendor

    Flexera report claims bundled Flash is to blame.

  4. Happy Hour for Hackers as Wetherspoons Suffers Data Breach

    British pub chain was hit back in June

  5. Cloud Security Concerns Persist for Majority of Businesses

    A full 69% of companies are afraid that migration to the cloud will increase risks of unauthorized access while 43% worry about account hijacking.

  6. Web Scripting Languages Fail OWASP Top 10

    Veracode warns of widespread vulnerabilities in PHP, ASP and ColdFusion.

  7. Chinese APT Group Uses Dropbox to Target Hong Kong Media

    Hackers used cloud storage platform as C&C server in info-stealing attacks.

  8. Privacy Snafu Exposes Adele Fans’ Personal Data

    Songkick apologizes for causing ‘alarm’

  9. Power to the Endpoint: Avecto Snags $49Mn in Funding

    The investment shows that prevention is back as a credible cyber-defense strategy.

  10. RiskIQ Makes Facebook ThreatExchange Data Accessible

    RiskIQ has teamed up with Facebook to provide a visual interface on top of the social network’s ThreatExchange product.

  11. UK Regulator to Investigate Cloud Storage Complaints

    Price rises and concerns over data loss top of the list.

  12. UK Online Bankers the Most Secure

    Eset report finds Russians least likely to use security software.

  13. Crypto Reuse Opens Up Millions of Connected Devices to Attack

    Impersonation, man-in-the-middle or passive decryption attacks could allow access to administrator credentials and sensitive info.

  14. Industrial Control Systems Vulnerable to Shellshock, Heartbleed

    Advantech industrial control systems that are used to power utilities and critical infrastructure networks are wide open to several known flaws.

  15. Security Placing Too Much Focus on Technology and Reliance on IT Departments

    Human error and ignorance among workforce are presenting enormous gaps in fortification

  16. BlackBerry to Quit Pakistan after Backdoor Access Demands

    Authorities wanted ‘unfettered access’ to BES servers, firm claims.

  17. Global Police Join Up to Take Down Counterfeit Sites

    A whopping 37,000 sites are now offline.

  18. Woman Gave £1.6 Million to Dating Site Scammers

    Met police warn netizens to be vigilant online.

  19. Data Breach Trends to Evolve in 2016

    For one, Experian predicts that consumers and businesses will be collateral damage in cyber-conflicts among countries.

  20. A Third of Businesses Use Online Banking

    The growing use of mobile devices for corporate banking could put company funds at risk.

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