Infosecurity News

  1. Brits Take on Europe’s Best in EU-wide Cyber Security Challenge

    First ever pan-regional competition comes after success of national versions

  2. Industry and Police Must Improve Cybercrime Response – Report

    TechUK claims standards are patchy throughout England and Wales

  3. IT Personnel Are the Riskiest Business Users

    The very people who have the greatest access to company data are those most likely to engage in risky behaviors.

  4. Sony to Fork Out $8 Million on Staff Lawsuit After Cyber Attack

    Costs of destructive attack keep mounting

  5. LookingGlass Open-Sources Threat Intel Engine

    The idea is to enable threat intelligence providers and security operations to integrate full context across their security portfolios.

  6. Google Taps Centrify for Android at Work

    The cloud-based solution provides integrated policy and management across users, apps and devices.

  7. Businesses Using Millions of Flawed Certificates

    Nearly a million SSL certificates found in Netcraft's October SSL Survey were signed with the potentially vulnerable SHA-1 hashing algorithm.

  8. #ISC2Congress: Current IT Security Process Broke Argues Kapersky Exec

    Senior management needs to face up to the fact that it could be throwing good money after bad when it comes to security investment

  9. #ISC2Congress: Cyber-Psychology to Make the Difference in Tomorrow's Security Organizations

    The biggest threat to network security is company employees and firms need to adapt management structures to deal with leaderless environments

  10. ISACA: One in Four Organizations Have Suffered an APT

    Latest report reveals bigger focus on staff training

  11. Aviva Employee Sells Customer Data to Claims Firms

    Customer anger as thousands receive nuisance calls

  12. Middle East Hacktivists Get Training From Eastern European Hackers

    Norse warns of growing threat from cyber-criminals sharing best practices

  13. Edinburgh Council Lacked Infosecurity Policy Before Major Breach

    ICO audit shows there was no security manager in place either

  14. Uber Fixes Bug Which Exposed Hundreds of Drivers’ Details

    Phishing fears as drivers could view each other’s private info

  15. Criminals, Governments Exploiting Widespread Mobile Network Flaws

    Mobile networks in every territory have already been penetrated by criminals and governments bent on fraud and surveillance.

  16. FireEye, Visa Tackle Payments Industry Threats

    The joint service will deliver real-time, payments-specific threat information to merchants and card issuers.

  17. PhishMe Acquires Malcovery Security

    The move gives the company an added layer of malware analysis and threat intelligence.

  18. The Dark Web Uncovered: From Stolen Netflix Accounts to CNI Hacks

    Intel Security lifts the lid on the cybercrime underground

  19. Cyber-Related Consumer Concerns Jump More Than 20 Points

    The Consumer Risk Index from Travelers shows cyber-crime moving from the fifth-ranked to the third-ranked concern overall.

  20. Google Bins Yellow Triangle to Simplify Chrome Security

    Too many security states for users to learn, says Mountain View

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