Infosecurity News

  1. Personal Health Insurance Data Found on Public AWS server

    Claims firm Systema Software fingered for breach of 1.5m details

  2. Cisco SYNful Knock Threat Victims Reach 200

    Routers in over 30 countries now found to be affected

  3. BrainTest Malware Gets Smart in Google Play Store

    It has an arsenal of privilege escalation exploits, which is used to install a rootkit on the device so it can persist even after the user uninstalls it.

  4. Danish Post Office Spam Scam Delivers Cryptolocker 2

    The campaign is part of a long list of cyber-attacks that target one country at a time, at different time intervals, and use the same tactic.

  5. New Sharking Trojan Targets Online Poker Players

    Malware designed to sneak a peek at your hand

  6. Cyber-risk Knowledge Gap Widens Between C-Suite and IT

    IT and security professionals are doing a terrible job at communicating risk, bogged down in technical jargon and a lack of business context.

  7. Ponemon: US Cyber-resilience is Poor to Nonexistent

    Three-quarters of US organizations are not prepared to respond to cyber-attacks, leaving them more vulnerable than ever.

  8. Brits Trust NHS on Data Privacy but Not IoT Firms

    KPMG finds private firms have a long way to go to win consumer trust

  9. California Hackers Said to Hit Kremlin with DDoS

    Given the nation's big election, the attack was likely hactivist motivated.

  10. BCS Urges Personal Data Sharing Revamp

    Amid fears of government snooping, the data revolution has created a ticking time bomb; sharing personal data is simply not working for anyone at the moment.

  11. G DATA Adds Encryption for Secure Mobile Chat

    Secure Chat, initially available for Android, offers multiple-encrypted SMS and chat communication, and file-sharing.

  12. Non-Criminal Cyber Activists a Major Threat to Businesses – Cloudsec

    PwC legal experts predicts “sausage factory” of privacy claims and disputes

  13. Introducing ‘The Dukes’ – a Powerful Russia-backed APT Group

    F-Secure report claims group has operated with impunity for past seven years

  14. Prepare to Get Hit Warns FBI Cybercrime Boss

    Cyber Task Force chief praises collaboration successes

  15. Iron Tiger Campaign Stole ‘Terabytes’ of Data in APAC and US

    Trend Micro research profiles another China-based threat group

  16. BT Tests Banks with New Ethical Hacking Service

    Telcoms giant will offer STAR accredited package

  17. Cisco Router Malware is Major New Targeted Attack Threat

    Attack takes advantage of devices’ privileged position

  18. UK Consumers Call for Harsher Breach Penalties

    Bit9 + Carbon Black report reveals little sympathy for erring businesses

  19. China’s IP Theft and Tech Transfer Network Costs US $5 Trillion – Report

    System enabling US IP theft said to dwarf Beijing’s home-grown R&D

  20. Intel Accelerates Car Security with New Initiative

    Review board will conduct research into improving in-vehicle security

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