Infosecurity News

  1. Thousands of Lloyds Premier Customers Hit by Data Breach

    Follow-up fraud on the cards after insurer is attacked

  2. GCHQ Calls for Simpler Password Policies

    Ditch the strength meter and add extra technical controls, says spy agency

  3. Former AV Man McAfee Runs for US President

    Cyber Party urges voters to support its call for improved privacy protection

  4. Hackers Steal Data on 10.5 Million Excellus Healthcare Customers

    Attackers were inside the network since 2013

  5. Trend Micro Honeypots ‘Signed Up’ to Ashley Madison

    Passive email addresses linked to profiles on the adultery site

  6. Zimperium Releases a Working Exploit for Stagefright

    Zimperium said that it is publishing the code so that administrators and testers can validate the effectiveness of the Android community’s response.

  7. Context-Aware Security Can Take a Bite Out of Cyber-Risk

    While only 28% of respondents have fully embraced a context-aware approach to security, 97% see the benefits in it.

  8. Bitcoin Extortion Group DD4BC Bumps Up the DDoS Volume

    Since April 2015, Akamai identified 114 DD4BC attacks, including more aggressive measures that target brand reputation through social media.

  9. Anti-Forensic Malware Widens Cyber-Skills Gap

    Attackers increasingly use methods that leave few traces behind—so we are in an arms race where the key difference is training.

  10. Bugzilla Hackers Accessed Mozilla Flaws Since 2014

    Attackers may have been slurping sensitive bug data for even longer

  11. Kaspersky and FireEye Rush to Fix Flaws

    Researchers’ public disclosure puts security giants on alert

  12. Hackers Eschew Malware to Keep Attacks Hidden

    Dell SecureWorks claims stolen credentials and VPNs are becoming increasingly popular

  13. Adult Player Android Porn App Delivers Ransomware

    The app targets users by silently taking photos of them as they use the app.

  14. TVSPY Returns in Force

    This particular threat is very dangerous as the attacker will have total control over the affected machine.

  15. PayPal XSS Flaw Opens Door to Attacks

    The vulnerability can be used to deliver content or harmful files that enable a wide range of attacks.

  16. 26 Mobile Phone Models Contain Pre-Installed Spyware

    Phones from Huawei, Lenovo and Xiaomi have pre-installed spyware—even as Android is on track to hit 2 million new malware apps this year.

  17. Baby Monitors Have Grown-up Security Flaws

    Critical vulnerabilities in three popular baby monitors, and a slew of other problems in others, allow hackers to spy on the household.

  18. Singtel Closes $770 Million Trustwave Acquisition

    Singtel will provide threat intelligence from its Asia Pacific network for TrustWave’s managed security services.

  19. OPM Blows $133m on Post-Breach ID Monitoring

    Affected employees still haven’t been informed

  20. US-CERT: Belkin Wi-Fi Router Has a Slew of Flaws

    Attacks could run the gamut from arbitrary file injection to man-in-the-middle attacks to cross-site request forgery (CSRF).

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