Infosecurity News

  1. US CERT: Zero-Day-based Phishing Campaign Rampages

    The campaigns target US government agencies and private sector organizations across multiple sectors.

  2. Darkhotel APT Group Resurfaces with Hacking Team Zero-Day

    Darkhotel is the latest APT group to make use of the zero-days and exploit tools leaked in the Hacking Team breach.

  3. YouTube: A Key Enabler for Voyeurism?

    YouTube hosts thousands of videos, which offer: tutorials on how to use RATs; the faces and IP addresses of victims; and links to download RATs they can use to slave devices.

  4. Networking Biz Ubiquiti Transfers $46.7 Million to Fraudsters

    SEC filing claims ‘employee impersonation’ was to blame

  5. #BlackHat:Critical ZigBee Flaw Compromises Smart Homes

    Hackers could take control of all connected devices on the network, including door locks, motion sensors, HVAC and smart light bulbs/switches.

  6. #BlackHat:Tesla S Gets the Hacking Treatment

    Researchers could remotely turn the car on and off remotely, hit the brakes if the car is moving under 5 MPH, and shift it into neutral.

  7. ICO hits Money Lender with £180K Privacy Fine

    The Money Shop lost two servers full of customer data

  8. Malicious Insider Threat Flagged Thanks to Windows Update Flaw

    Context researchers claim config error is to blame

  9. #BlackHat: Flash Zero-Day Weaponized in Record Time

    Exploit kits integrated Hacking Team zero-days into their digital weapons in half the usual time.

  10. #BlackHat: Smartwatches Present Varying Security Risks

    Various brands of smartwatches present differing risks for data loss.

  11. Accenture Acquires FusionX

    The buy will help Accenture beef up its security consulting business.

  12. #BlackHat: China's Terracotta VPN Used for Advanced Threat Anonymity

    Terracotta is being used as a launch platform for APT actors, including the well-known Shell_Crew/DeepPanda group.

  13. Macs Face Zero-Day Exploit and Firmware Worm

    Thunderstrike 2 is a proof-of-concept firmware worm that’s the first to attack Macs.

  14. 39% of Companies Use Password-Only Authentication

    62% view employees as their biggest threat.

  15. FBI Skills Gaps Leave Field Offices Understaffed with Cyber Experts

    Next Generation Cyber Initiative has problems, says OGI

  16. Fresh Attack Vectors Found for Stagefright Android Flaw

    In addition to MMS, devices can be infected using malicious video files that auto-play when opening a website, or via malicious apps or MP4 files.

  17. 1.5Mn Affected In Medical Information Engineering Hack

    Several healthcare providers were affected by the attack, including local companies and national outlets, and the federal government.

  18. SANS Announces Recruitment Fair for Top Infosec Candidates

    Institute will train up 40 applicants ready to step into a job

  19. Potao Trojan Served Up by Russian TrueCrypt Site

    ESET report reveals five-year targeted attack campaign

  20. Russian Cyber Underground Goes From Strength to Strength

    Trend Micro report highlights increasing sophistication and professionalism

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