Infosecurity News

  1. Russian APT Group Tosses a Hammer Around

    Ingenious Hammertoss uses social media and steganography to hide Russian state-sponsored attackers' activities.

  2. Anthem Breach: Symantec Points Finger at ‘Black Vine’ Group

    Cyber-espionage group likely operates from China

  3. Researchers Jump the Security Air Gap With a Feature Phone

    Hack requires just a lightweight piece of malware

  4. Google Debuts 'Bring Your Own Encryption'

    Users can create and hold keys and prevent anyone, including Google, from accessing their at-rest data within the Google Cloud Platform.

  5. ING, USAA Join Up with FIDO Alliance

    Financial services has been an engine for the group's strong authentication standards ever since PayPal joined.

  6. Fujitsu: UK Employees Fail to Grasp Importance of Corporate Data

    Research highlights need for improved awareness

  7. SSL Redirect Malvertising Campaign Exposes 10 Million to Angler EK

    Cyphort Labs warns users global attack is ongoing

  8. Planned Parenthood Hacked Over Videos

    The group obtained data such as employees' email addresses, and plans to show Planned Parenthood "stripped naked."

  9. Zerodium Launches to Buy and Sell Zero-Days

    The start-up is backed by Vupen, the French vulnerability dealer that has often drawn controversy for brokering exploits to the highest bidder.

  10. Pakistan to Ban BlackBerry Enterprise Service Over Security Fears

    Authorities can’t monitor encrypted comms platform

  11. Three Sentenced for $14m Fraud Scheme

    Estonian men masterminded global campaign affecting four million PCs

  12. IoT Security, Privacy Concerns Weigh on Consumers

    The convenience that smartwatches and other devices bring is also accompanied by security and privacy issues.

  13. Anonymous Hacks US Census Bureau

    Online collective exposes employee data in protest at trade agreements

  14. Spam Landscape Marked By Big Players, Clever Tactics

    Spammers are going for more complex tactics, especially on the mobile front.

  15. Trojan Porn-Clicker Infests Android Apps for Hundreds of Thousands of Downloads

    Dubsmash, Clash of Clans 2, Minecraft 3, various game cheats and video downloaders and more are being infected with the same malware.

  16. 100% of Tested Smartwatches have Big Vulnerabilities

    Apple Watch and others have a host of authentication, encryption and privacy flaws.

  17. FireEye Uncovers Turbo Charged Nigerian 419 Group

    Payment diversion scammers have hit over 2,000 victims

  18. Microsoft Readies Advanced Threat Analytics for August Release

    Redmond promises to root out advanced targeted attacks

  19. Global DDoS Attacks Grow in Size and Speed

    The average attack sizes for DNS, NTP, SSDP and Chargen reflection amplification attacks all increased in Q2 2015.

  20. DHS Secretary: I 'Probably' Should Have Stopped Using Gmail Sooner

    After cybersecurity experts pointed out holes in the defense that webmail introduces, Secy. Johnson said that he had an epiphany.

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