Infosecurity News

  1. Skills Gaps Hamper Firms’ Cyber-Defenses

    Survey claims threats are outstripping ability of infosec pros to respond

  2. Risk Averse West Trumps East on Mobile Security

    Aruba Networks claims at risk ‘GenMobile’ staff are bad news for Eastern firms

  3. Google and Co Join Up to Beat Click Fraudsters

    Yahoo and Facebook also on board with new bot blacklist project

  4. 42% of Companies Have No Chip-and-PIN Transition Plan

    Many have either taken no steps or are unaware of any progress being made to meet the Oct. 1 deadline.

  5. British Man Faces US Extradition for Hacking Government Servers

    Lauri Love was arrested by extradition police

  6. Google Calls For Urgent Changes to Wassenaar Arrangement

    White hats need protecting with clearer rules and narrower scope

  7. Microsoft Releases Out-of-Band Patch for Critical Remote Execution Flaw

    The flaw would allow a bad actor to install programs; view, change or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights.

  8. 37 Million Cheating Spouses Exposed in Ashley Madison Hack

    The information includes "all the customers' secret sexual fantasies and matching credit card transactions,” the perpetrators said.

  9. Siemens Energy Automation Device Vulnerable to Authentication Bypass

    An attacker can remotely gain control of the device, used in power stations and pipelines, without having to enter login details.

  10. FoI Blunders Mean Personal Data is Exposed Every Fortnight

    Freedom of Information site claims public sector staff are prone to mistakes

  11. UK Consumers Don’t Fear Breaches But Have a Problem With Drones

    Unisys study shows we have faith in our providers, but not the police

  12. Morrisons Worker Accused of Exposing Data on 100,000 Employees

    Staff member bore a grudge after disciplinary action, court hears

  13. Trend Micro Lifts the Lid on Bullet Proof Hosting

    Services start from as little as $2 per month, new report claims

  14. Darkode Hacking Forum Taken Offline in Global Operation

    This signifies the end of Darkode, the most popular English-speaking hacking forum, ranking in the top five of the most prolific criminal forums worldwide.

  15. Malwarebytes Beefs Up Mac Capabilities

    Malwarebytes has acquired AdwareMedic by The Safe Mac, and has launched the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for Mac suite.

  16. Operation Liberpy Targets Latin America with Keylogging Malware

    The infection spreads via USB devices and reports all keyboard events and mouse movements to a server controlled by the attackers.

  17. US House Intros Lifetime Credit Monitoring Bill in Wake of OPM Breach

    In addition to lifetime identity theft monitoring, the bill would mandate that victims are insured for losses of up to $5 million.

  18. Consumers Recognize Android Threats, But Won't Use Security Apps

    Consumers fail to see the value for security apps: More than 80% of respondents said they want to spend $4.99 or less.

  19. Apple Pay Gets Thumbs Up From Security Experts on UK Launch

    Take-up likely to soar as big name brands jump on board

  20. Accenture: User Names and Passwords Soon to Be Obsolete

    More than three-fourths of consumers (77%) are interested in using alternatives to protect their security on the internet.

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