Infosecurity News

  1. Cybersecurity Spending to Hit $170Bn by 2020

    Some verticals will spend more than others: The aerospace, defense and intelligence vertical continues to be the largest contributor.

  2. British Spamhaus DDoS Teen Walks Free

    'Narko' sentenced to 240 hours of community service

  3. Ad Fraud Attack Using Flash Zero-Day Skips the EK

    The benefit of skipping the EK is that it's very streamlined and lightweight—and much harder to detect by security scanners.

  4. Intel Security: UK Firms Failing on Staff Security Training

    Research finds most exposed employees are ill equipped to deal with threats

  5. OPM Comes Clean: Dual Breaches Exposed 22.1 Million Individuals

    Huge counter-intelligence coup for nation state attacker, thought to be China

  6. Don’t Panic: Latest OpenSSL Flaw Not a Heartbleed-Sized Bug

    High-severity discovery needs patching, but will not affect many

  7. Intrusion Protection Spending Stays Steady, Monitoring Lags

    37% of enterprise security managers expect to increase their IDS/IPS budget in the next 90 days.

  8. Security Researchers Hack Politicians Over Public Wi-Fi

    F-Secure and co. prove how easy it is to access private accounts

  9. Leaked Hacking Team Flaw Used in Attacks Before Sunday Doxing

    Adobe vulnerability exploited against Korean and Japanese targets from late June

  10. Edinburgh Council Web Attack Breaches Over 13,000 Email Addresses

    Users warned to expect follow-up phishing attacks

  11. Mysterious Hacking Group Wild Neutron Returns to Wreak Havoc

    It's using an unknown Flash Player exploit to infect companies and private users around the world and steal sensitive business information.

  12. Over Half of UK Small Firms Open to Cyber-Attack – Report

    CSID claims businesses are concerned, but failing to act

  13. Explosive Gunpoder Malware Evades All Android AV Products

    Palo Alto Networks claims security tools classify it as adware

  14. Adobe to Patch Hacking Team Flash Player Bug

    Flaw has been exploited in the wild after being disclosed in Sunday’s data dump

  15. NSA Search Engine Taps Into Global Comms to Intercept, Well, Everything

    The XKeyscore search engine hoovers up vast amounts of private communications information, including 700,000 voice, fax and video files every day.

  16. OpenSSL to Patch Critical Mystery Bug on Thursday

    Unfortunately, like Heartbleed, the mystery bug is likely to be a big deal. OpenSSL is a basic component of a wide swath of the web.

  17. Trend Micro Teams Up with NCA to Bust Cyber-criminals

    Security giant will form virtual team with the agency after MoU is signed

  18. Hacking Team Hacked in 400GB Breach

    Controversial intrusion software company on the receiving end

  19. AirLive IP Surveillance Cameras Allow Remote Access

    The user needs to specify in the configuration of the camera that HTTPS is used for communications—this is not enabled by default.

  20. Fake BatteryBot Pro App Serves Malware, Can't Be Deleted

    The fake app provides the same functionality of the original version of BatteryBot Pro, but performs malicious activity in the background.

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