Infosecurity News

  1. ICO Issued Over £1m in Fines in 2014/15

    UK information commissioner launches annual report

  2. Connected Devices Spark Digital Amnesia-And Insecurity

    Most Americans use mobile phones as an extension of their brains—but aren't securing them.

  3. Fed Reserve: Chip and Signature Not Enough

    Chip and signature is a half-measure, falling short of the chip and PIN technology deployed throughout the rest of the world.

  4. Pakistan Implements Biometrics for Remote Teachers

    Pakistan has embraced biometrics as its preferred authentication method to identify “ghost employees” and to combat absenteeism.

  5. IT Pros Believe Cyberattacks Are Under-reported

    87% of respondents think that large financial hacks are happening more often than reported, and right under the nose of security auditors.

  6. Spikes Debuts Isolation Tech for Browser-borne Malware

    The Isla family of web malware isolation appliances processes all web content on secure appliances deployed outside the network.

  7. Click-Fraud Campaigns Could Lead to CryptoWall

    Damballa researchers warn of hidden threats 'in sheep’s clothing’

  8. Security Alert as Flash Flaw Found in Popular Exploit Kit

    CVE-2015-3113 has been used to drop CryptoWall onto PCs

  9. Stealthy Stegoloader Trojan in US Healthcare Blitz

    Victims are concentrated in North America, claims Trend Micro

  10. Dot Bank Launches to Clamp Down on Banking Fraud

    New gTLD has a host of additional security measures to protect consumers

  11. Android Malware Soars 390% in 2014 – Report

    IT managers face increased pressure as they try to manage BYOD risk through MDM

  12. Stolen Government Log-ins Available All Over the Web

    A CIA-backed firm has found exposures of log-in credentials for 47 United States government agencies across 89 unique domains.

  13. Adobe Patches Critical Flash Flaw Exploited by APT3

    Chinese targeted attack group has been infecting users via phishing emails

  14. Finance Hit by 300 Times More Attacks Than Other Industries

    Websense claims cybercriminals are constantly tweaking the formula to evade detection

  15. US Hosts Most Botnets in the World

    Around one in five C&C servers are located in the country

  16. GCHQ and NSA Attacked Security Companies

    Spy agencies reverse engineered products and spied on firms, according to new documents

  17. Data Theft Watch: Web Scraping Attacks Almost Double

    Online businesses’ risk from data theft due to web scraping—harvesting website info—has almost doubled, especially for sectors like travel sites.

  18. Most Companies Approach Crisis Management in ‘All the Wrong Ways’

    Companies are preparing for the inevitable business and reputational hits of a cyber-attack in all the wrong ways.

  19. Uptick in Customer Service Spending Drives Security Concerns

    Supporting a cross-channel customer experience results in growing IT complexity and greater volumes of machine data, which, if unmanaged, increases data chaos.

  20. Consumers Trust Energy Providers to Safeguard Personal Data

    65% of consumers believe their energy provider can secure and protect their personal data and information about their energy usage.

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