Infosecurity News

  1. SANS Cyberskills Self-Assessment Addresses Skills Shortage

    Anyone in the UK can assess the quality of their existing skills and be considered for a £30,000 SANS Institute boot camp.

  2. Dangerous Apple 0-Day Exposes App Credentials

    An attacker can run amok on a device’s apps, stealing iCloud passwords, authentication tokens, saved web passwords on Google Chrome and more.

  3. Wind Turbines Open to Hijacking

    Plaintext credentials could hand remote attackers the keys to the energy grid.

  4. Shylock Explained: How the NCA Got its Pound of Flesh

    How one of the world’s most notorious malware campaigns was thwarted

  5. Magazine House Loses $1.5m in Email Scam

    Hackers hijacked CEO’s account and emailed accounts payable staff

  6. Time to Hang Up: Phone Fraud Soars 30%

    Pindrop Security report claims ‘robodialers’ are driving spike in scam calls

  7. Keyboard Vulnerability Leaves 600 Million Samsung Devices at Risk

    The flaw can be exploited to allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the user's phone, including the Galaxy S6.

  8. Privileged Users Pose Biggest Cyber-Risk to European Companies

    In an Ovum survey, only 13% said that their organizations were not at all vulnerable to insider threats.

  9. Standalone IPS Demand Shrinks but Market Still Racks Up $1.41bn in 2014

    Frost & Sullivan notes IPS market consolidation

  10. Operation Lotus Blossom Sets Sights on Asian Military

    Long-running, state-sponsored campaign stole info from South China Sea nations

  11. Cisco Set to Cull China Execs – Report

    Recent sales slump could be due to Beijing’s security concerns

  12. China Launches Watering Hole Attacks on Political Dissidents

    China is said to be using a new watering hole attack technique to monitor political dissidents.

  13. Connected Home Threatens Service Provider Data

    Energy management, interactive home devices, connected appliances and real time security allows unprecedented access to a variety of service providers.

  14. Bank of England Disables Auto-Complete After Email Blunder

    Comms boss accidentally sent sensitive info to a journalist last month

  15. Stegoloader Malware Hides in Images on Legit Sites

    Dell SecureWorks warns of stealthy info-stealing malware family

  16. Confusion, Lack of Visibility Plague Security Policy

    Less than a third of all respondents, 32%, claim they have full visibility into their global network.

  17. Microsoft Kills the Ask Toolbar

    Microsoft security tools will automatically detect and remove almost all versions of the ubiquitous bar from PCs.

  18. Snapchat Adds Two-Factor Authentication for Extra Safe Sexting

    Popular messaging app in bid to improve security

  19. Wikipedia to Switch on HTTPS to Counter Surveillance Threat

    Encrypted traffic will help protect users from censors and spies, says Wikimedia Foundation

  20. Most Security Depts Blindly Trust Certificates and Keys

    Most IT security professionals don’t know how to detect or remediate quickly compromised cryptographic keys and digital certificates.

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