Infosecurity News

  1. Plex Mounts Huge DigiCert Encryption Install for Media Streaming

    DigiCert will address tens of millions of Plex accounts—making it one of the largest implementations of publicly trusted certificates to date.

  2. #infosec15: DLP Player GeoLang Voted UK’s Most Innovative Small Cyber Security Business

    Competition final at Infosecurity Europe shows strength of UK cyber industry

  3. #infosec15: Under Cyber-Attack? Follow CERT UK’s Lead

    Plan, plan, plan and then plan some more to build cyber-resilience, say experts

  4. #infosec15: Threat Intelligence Industry Set for Major Consolidation

    Experts claim consolidation beckons, as tools get increasingly powerful

  5. Q1 2015 DDoS Attacks Spike, Targeting Cloud

    The most-attacked industry was the IT services/cloud/SaaS sector, representing more than one-third of all mitigation activity.

  6. ICO Data Breach Investigations Spike Threefold

    All of the major UK banks and lenders have "reported multiple incidents to the ICO in the last two years.”

  7. #infosec15: John McAfee - There’s More Wrong than Right in the Security Industry

    Industry veteran talks ‘completely impermeable’ encryption

  8. #infosec15: Focus on People Not Tech for Best Threat Intelligence

    Experts argue human brain is essential to effectively interpret the data

  9. #infosec15: Schneier: Nations are Building Up for Cyber War

    Cryptographer argues that attacks against companies like Sony are only the start

  10. #infosec15: Pen Testers Lack Code-Level Exploit Savvy

    Researcher James Lyne says black box tech has led to disconnect from ‘lower level workings’

  11. #infosec15: DevOps is the ‘End of Security as we Know it’ … in a Good Way

    A little bit of empathy could go a long way, experts argue

  12. #infosec15: UK Firms Urged to Step Up to Combat New Breed of Social Engineers

    Phishing emails are least of their worries, claims leading ‘psychological hacker’

  13. #infosec15: Call for New ICO Powers as Watchdog Misses Thousands of Breaches

    Police dealt with at least 13,000 device thefts, but only 1,000 breaches reported to ICO

  14. United Nations: We Need Strong Encryption to Defend Free Speech

    UN report at odds with politicians calling for greater restrictions

  15. US Tried to Fire ‘Stuxnet’ Malware at North Korean Nuke Plant

    Hermit nation saved by its own global isolation

  16. Apple 'Text of Death' Flaw Hits Twitter, Snapchat

    It’s possible to send booby-trapped text, Twitter or Snapchat messages to Apple gear with the express purpose of DoSing them.

  17. Angler Exploit Kit Loads Up CryptoWall 3.0, Flash Flaw

    CVE-2015-3090 for Flash by Adobe in the middle of May, so users should upgrade as soon as possible.

  18. Iran Blames US for Cyber-Attack on Oil Ministry

    Police chief claims his team foiled plot

  19. Leeds the UK Capital of Smartphone Theft

    Swansea and Newcastle are the safest citites

  20. China Preps 5-Year Cybersecurity Plan

    The goal is to prevent foreign spying on government departments, state-owned enterprises and financial institutions.

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