Infosecurity News

  1. #RSAC: IBM Embraces the Cloud

    In order to provide predictive analytics, actionable, open threat intelligence is a necessary piece of the puzzle.

  2. #RSAC: How CISOs Can Gain the Ear of the Board

    The role of the CISO is in a state of flux, as it affects real business processes beyond security, across the organization.

  3. #RSAC: Encryption Hinders Government Fight Against Crime, says Homeland Security Chief

    Secretary Jeh Jonson calls for greater collaboration with private sector

  4. #RSAC: Time for Security to Leave the Dark Ages

    Amit Yoran, RSA president, says that security must reach Enlightenment

  5. PayPal Points Way to Edible Biometric Devices

    Passwords need to perish, says payments giant

  6. APT28 Back in RussianDoll Attack Using Adobe, Windows Flaws

    Russian cyber gang aims might at foreign government entity

  7. WikiLeaks Publishes Hacked Sony Docs, Emails

    Hundreds of thousands of documents and emails from the Sony hack show “a rare insight into the inner workings of a large, secretive multinational corporation.”

  8. Public-Facing Web Assets Expose Banks to Greater Risk

    RiskIQ report claims each bank has 7500 external assets on average

  9. HSBC Notifies Consumers of Mortgage Information Breach

    The firm believes the exposure began sometime towards the end of 2014 and continued until March 27, 2015.

  10. IBM Launches Open Threat Intelligence Platform

    IBM has debuted a new data-sharing exchange that is modeled off of social networking.

  11. UK Law Firms Putting Client Data at Risk

    FoI request finds ICO warning has fallen on deaf ears

  12. Government Report Criticizes Aircraft Cybersecurity

    FAA must try harder to prevent mile-high hacking, says GAO

  13. Misconfigured DNS Servers Leak Network Info

    US-CERT warns that DNS servers may reveal internal network structure and potentially sensitive information.

  14. LA Plans to Remotely Control Streetlights

    There are a number of perks to giving the system the Internet of Things (IoT) treatment, but security concerns abound.

  15. Internet of Evil Things Lurks in Corporate Networks

    With more than 16 billion connected devices now deployed, rogue or unauthorized devices could be operating, undetected, across networks.

  16. (ISC)2 Expands Operations in the National Capital Region

    The expanded corporate presence reflects the large member concentration that the organization has in the Washington, D.C. area.

  17. Log-in Stealing Attack Builds on 18-Year-Old Flaw

    Redirect to SMB could give MITM attackers keys to the kingdom

  18. China Pegged for Long-Running APT 30 Attack Group

    Southeast Asia-focused group jumped air gaps to steal info

  19. Moto Modem Flaws Could Give Attackers Full Control

    Combination of vulnerabilities is bad news for home internet users

  20. SendGrid Used to Attack Coinbase Bitcoin Exchange

    SendGrid offers an easy path to target-rich environments for phishing artists—and Bitcoin is a popular end game.

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