Infosecurity News

  1. Georgia Tackles Critical Infrastructure Attacks

    A fictional utility and its three power, water and gas subsidiaries will be the subject of four hybrid cyber/physical attacks.

  2. SANS Reveals Insider Threat Security Gaps

    IT security pros have poor visbility into the problem, according to institute

  3. Upgrade iOS Now to Avoid Phantom Flaw, Say Researchers

    New vulnerability fixed in iOS 8.3 could brick handsets

  4. French TV Network TV5Monde Shunted Off Air By Pro-ISIS Hackers

    Attackers most likely planned a precise targeted attack, say experts

  5. AT&T to Pay $25 Million, Largest-Ever FCC Fine

    The fine settles violations that exposed information for more than 250,000 customers in the US.

  6. Gamarue Malware Taking Aim at Hundreds of Home Improvement Forums on the Web

    Insecure code and watering-hole attacks are being used in combination in this active campaign.

  7. 54% of UK Firms Keep Sensitive Data in the Cloud

    Because 80% use cloud in general, it’s clear that security remains a genuine concern and a major stumbling block for many.

  8. Internet of Things Day: Time to Consider IoT Threats, Say Experts

    Security flaws should set alarm bells ringing

  9. UK Cyber Insurance Demand Rockets After Breaches

    Increasing numbers of firms want to cover themselves in the event of an incident

  10. White House: Russian Hackers May Still Be on the Network

    A phishing scam was likely the initial vector.

  11. Destructive Cyber-Attacks Blitz Critical Infrastructure – Report

    CNI attacks on the rise and growing in sophistication in the Americas

  12. Bitcoin Flaws Beckon Hackers

    Interpol, Kaspersky uncover that blockchain-based cryptocurrencies could be abused through the pollution of public decentralized databases.

  13. RedSeal Relaunches with $17Mn in Funding

    The funding coincides with new cloud-oriented offerings and an expanded management team.

  14. Combatting the Human Element

    Companies report that the human factor is the largest driver behind security breaches—and addressing it is complex.

  15. Premera Slapped with 5 Lawsuits Over Data Breach

    Three weeks before the breach, federal auditors warned the company that its network-security procedures were inadequate.

  16. Mozilla Adds Opportunistic Encryption for Firefox Browser

    OE cryptographically protects connections even when servers don't support the HTTPS protocol.

  17. Dyre Wolf Lifts $1 Million in Social Engineering Campaign

    Sophisticated cyber-gang uses social engineering to circumvent two-factor authentication.

  18. Goodbye, Bieber? Bug Can Make Any YouTube Video Go Away

    Google paid a student researcher $5,000 for discovering the flaw.

  19. Pirate Bay Clone Attacks Wordpress Sites

    The site uses the Nuclear exploit kit to hit redirected web surfers with a banking Trojan.

  20. Explosive APT Campaign Launched From Lebanon

    Check Point says state-sponsored hackers stayed hidden since 2012

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