Infosecurity News

  1. #MWC15: Cavium Debuts Secure Mobile Chip

    Cavium is demonstrating its single-chip OCTEON III processor, which runs a full IPsec security application at 100Gbps throughput.

  2. TalkTalk Data Breach Exposes Customers to Phone Scams

    Telco blames third party firm for errors which led to vishing attempts

  3. Uber Subpoenas GitHub After Driver Data Breach

    Taxi service wants to know who accessed a key Gist post

  4. Target Breach Costs Could Total $1Bn

    Major breaches damage brand reputation and consumer trust, but they also have a real impact on the bottom line.

  5. Iran Blamed for Destructive Cyber Blitz on Sands Casino

    First attack of its kind on a US company, says director of national intelligence

  6. Spyware Biz Gamma Slammed for Human Rights Failings

    OECD concludes two-year investigation with heavy criticism of British-German company

  7. Mozilla Patches 17 Security Holes with Firefox 36

    Browser maker addresses three critical issues

  8. 2014: Year of the Large-Scale Attack

    Trend Micro noted that many of the biggest issues of the year could have been prevented with better proactive awareness.

  9. ICO Fines Insurance Firm £175k After Breach

    Privacy watchdog gets tough as hackers exploit IT security failings at Staysure

  10. DDoS Attackers Leveraging Joomla Vulnerability

    There are more than 150,000 potential Joomla reflectors on the Internet, Akamai said.

  11. Kaspersky Tackles Critical Infrastructure with Embeddable System

    The Kaspersky Security System platform is a dedicated solution for systems like ERP, smart grids, the internet of things (IoT) and critical infrastructure.

  12. Kids' Android Tablets Leak Personal Info, Photos

    Bluebox found that all devices examined were susceptible to at least three vulnerabilities.

  13. Feds Offer $3 Million for GameOver Zeus Mastermind

    Potential windfall for anyone who can spot Evgeniy Mikhailovich Bogachev outside the Motherland

  14. Zeus Fraudster Infects Himself with Ramnit Malware

    Even malware slingers sometimes forget basic security best practice

  15. Insider Thieves Pilfer High-finance Trading Algorithms

    The algorithm information can be used for blackmailing companines or selling it to other traders on the black market.

  16. (ISC)2 Opens GISLA Nominations

    This year’s GISLA program will recognize government information security professionals who see opportunity in crisis, whether in federal or state/local service.

  17. Hackers Spend 200+ Days Inside Systems Before Discovery

    M-Trends report notes drop in average detection time but plenty to keep security teams busy

  18. McAfee Warns of Persistent Mobile MITM Flaws

    Unpatched SSL vulnerabilities could be exposing millions to attack

  19. Telegram's 'Encrypted' Mobile Chats Easily Hacked

    A critical vulnerability exposes more than 50 million users who believe the app provides the security to chat freely.

  20. Google Wallet, CloudPay Take Aim at Mobile Payment Ubiquity

    Options for turning mobile devices into payment mechanisms are making their way to the mainstream market.

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