Infosecurity News

  1. Journalist Barrett Brown Gets Five Years After Linking to Hacked Stratfor Info

    Brown also threatened FBI agent and intefered with search warrant

  2. China Hits Back at MITM Outlook Claims

    Beijing blames anti-China forces, but claims its facts add up

  3. Study Uncovers 40,000 Malicious Mobile Banking Apps

    About half of the 40,000 malicious mobile banking apps contain trojanized malware.

  4. Sky to Block Porn and More By Default

    For Sky’s 5.3 million customers, the ISP will block sites with content for 13-year-olds and above.

  5. Generation Z Predicts End to Passwords and PINs by 2020

    Visa Europe research finds 16-24-year-old Brits want to see biometrics

  6. Xbox Hacker Responsible for $100Mn Heist Pleads Guilty

    Leroux is the third member of the international hacking ring accused of stealing proprietary data from Microsoft to plead guilty.

  7. Snowden: UK Intercepted Hundreds of Journalist Emails

    GCHQ recorded and saved emails from reporters at the BBC, Reuters, the Guardian, the New York Times, Le Monde, the Sun, NBC and the Washington Post, then shared them out on the agency’s intranet.

  8. GoDaddy CSRF Flaw Allows Total Domain Hijacking

    A researcher discovered there was absolutely no CSRF protection at all on many GoDaddy DNS management actions.

  9. White Hat Rally 2015 Launch Party: You're invited

    If you haven't yet got your ticket for the White Hat Rally launch party, sign up now and join the team for a social get together tomorrow night…

  10. Biometric App Downloads to Top 770 Million by 2019 – Report

    Juniper Research claims Apple and others will lead the way to widespread adoption

  11. Verizon Fixes FiOS Flaw Which Exposed All Users' Emails

    Customer spots serious API oversight

  12. China Blamed for MITM Attack on Outlook

    Man in the middle hits mobile users as crackdown on encrypted services continues

  13. Carberp Rampages Across Australia

    This is the third iteration of the kit since the source code for the original version was leaked in June 2013

  14. Led by Ransomware, Android Threats Surge 75%

    Attackers’ strategies have radically shifted from simple premium SMS scams

  15. Experts Warn Facebook Users of ‘Hottest Snapchats’ Scam

    Bitdefender reveals yet another lure which social media users should avoid

  16. Firms Waste $1.3 Million Each Year on False Positives

    Damballa report claims 21,000 hours are wasted dealing with fallout from poor security controls

  17. KPMG: FTSE 350 Boards Lack Cybersecurity Know-How

    New study claims communication breakdown is harming risk management efforts

  18. Marriott Won't Block Guest Wi-Fi Devices After All

    The hospitality giant said that it wanted to manage the connections in order to maintain security standards.

  19. Fake BBC News Site Baits Victims with Charlie Hebdo Misinformation

    The attack took pains to appear to be state-sponsored.

  20. Department of Homeland Security Drops the Ball on Access Control

    DHS completely lacks a strategy when it comes to the security of the computers that monitor and control building operations.

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