Infosecurity News

  1. SANS Warns of Shellshock Attacks on NAS Kit

    Unpatched QNAP devices are at high risk, says training institute

  2. DNS Attacks Ravage Three-Quarters of US/UK Firms

    Cloudmark study claims critical business and customer data at risk

  3. OphionLocker Uses Advanced Crypto and Tor for Bitcoin Payment

    Latest ransomware spotted by researchers uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography

  4. Hundreds of Thousands of Wordpress Sites Serving SoakSoak

    A vulnerability in the RevSlider plug-in opens the door to complete website compromise.

  5. Malwarebytes Flaw Found in Upgrade Mechanisms

    Users of the consumer version of the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and Anti-Exploit should upgrade to the latest version of the security software as soon as possible.

  6. Hackers Offer ‘100% Guarantees’ on Dark Web Goods

    Dell SecureWorks report finds increased competition is forcing better customer service

  7. GCHQ Launches Android Crypto App for Kids

    Cryptoy is designed to get more children interested in cybersecurity

  8. Feds Warn US Firms of Iranian Cyber Campaign

    Flash report comes just days after Operation Cleaver revelations

  9. Pirated Assassins Creed Spreads Malware

    The malware intercepts text messages and harvests information from the phone.

  10. Dyreza Banking Threat Back to Target North America

    Microsoft said that the busy Dyreza RAT has a fresh attack vector using a wire transfer phish.

  11. Cameron Calls in the Spies to Deal With Child Abuse Online

    GCHQ and NCA to co-operate, but critics say it’s simply electioneering

  12. China Responsible for 85% of Global Phishing Domains – APWG

    Cyber-criminals targeting victims inside Great Firewall are blamed for malicious domain registrations

  13. ICS-CERT: BlackEnergy Attacks on Critical Infrastructure Target Known Vulnerabilities

    In a new wrinkle in an ongoing attack, the BlackEnergy malware is targeting internet-connected human-machine interfaces (HMIs).

  14. Charge Anywhere Admits Breach May Have Given Hackers Access for Five Years

    Mobile payments processor only partially encrypted data travelling across its network

  15. Ukraine Attacks Rained Down on Cyber Monday – Report

    Imperva spots attackers using shopping period as cover to steal data and break systems

  16. Serious Flaw Found in Alibaba's English e-Commerce Site

    An attacker could alter product prices, delete goods or close a merchant’s shop on the site.

  17. RedOctober Rises Again with Cloud Atlas APT

    Cloud Atlas uses an unusual set of tactics that are not very common in the APT world, including using cloud accounts for C&C communications.

  18. Advanced Inception APT Malware Likely State-Sponsored

    The highly sophisticated malware targets wireless and PC users in high-value positions.

  19. (ISC)2 Panel Debate Calls for “Change of Culture” to Mitigate Cyber Threat

    Panel also urges greater government transparency

  20. Minister Warns of Cyber Hacking Threat to Driverless Cars

    Claire Perry claims attacks on driver-assisted cars and smart motorways could create barrier to adoption

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